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San Francisco, California

Ashley sighed as the sun went down over the bay and made the split-second decision to break away from the crowd in the Tower. She grabbed the keys to her convertible Mercedes Benz S-class and stepped into the elevator. She dialed Roy's number and he answered Ashley with an unenthusiastic 'Hello'.

"Geez, love you too" Ashley said, opening the door to the car and turning it in on.

"You know I love you" Roy said. "I just assumed you were busy with our dear friend Slade."

"Yeah, well" Ashley said. "You can forget about him for now" Ashley started her car and pulled out of the private garage and made her way through ARW garage and into the evening Frisco traffic.

"Any reason why?" Roy asked her. "I thought you were busy with Arthur Light?" Roy questioned the heiress curiosily.

"He has to be working with Light" Ashley said, turning off her street and making her way to the interstate. "And if he's working with Light, he's gonna be pulling the strings from the background until Light slips up" Ashley reasoned.

"Interesting" Roy said. "Do you know this for sure?" Roy asked her and Ashley heard a thud from the other side of the line.

"Roy?" She asked the ginger. "How often am I wrong when I work on a hunch?" She asked, cruising along the interstate.

"Hardly ever" Roy agreed.

"Exactly, it means my bat senses are tingling" Ashley said jokingly, putting the top of her car down after she clipped her hair back. "I don't know what it is, but my gut feeling is Slade busted Light out which would justify every other hunch I have" Ashley mused. "Are you still in the area?" Ashley asked him.

"Nah" He said. "I'm working a lead up in Star with Oliver" He said.

"Ah yes, so interesting" Ashley snorted.

"It is when you figure Ricardo Diaz broke out of prison" Roy laughed.

"You're having all the fun without me" Ashley joked, merging off of the 101 and making her way out to Baker Beach. "You both are so rude."

"I don't know, you got Arthur Light and Deathstroke on your ass" Roy snorted. "I'm almost jealous" Roy said.

"You got a city leveling threat though" Ashley sighed jealously. "I'd prefer that to what we got now."

"Now what's the real reason you called?" Roy asked Ashley.

"What are you talking about?" Ashley asked him hesitantly, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"You don't cold call unless you're on assignment or something is wrong" Roy said "And I know shits being stirred because I got a call from Donna about ten hours ago saying she was en route to SF" Roy told her.

"Dammit, old man" Ashley sighed, pulling into a parking spot and watched the waves crash against the shore. "Why do you have to know me so well?" She questioned him grumpily.

"I lived with you for three years and I've known you most of your life, in ways your precious boy toy is jealous of" Roy snorted. "So what is it?" Roy asked, sounding like he was moving around.

"Um, well" Ashley said, stalling as she tried to collect her thoughts. "It's not just Donna that's here" Ashley admitted. "Hank and Dawn are here too, Dick decided that we're taking in Slade's daughter and Hank basically implied that I didn't care that Garth died because of Slade" Ashley said quickly.

"I'm coming back" Roy sighed disappointedly. "I'll cut off his balls for his bullshit" Roy said angrily. "How is he gonna sit there and say you didn't give a shit after everything you've gone through-" Roy began to angrily question.

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