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San Fransico, California

Ashley smiled as she rolled the window down to the dry California heat. "Home sweet home" She said to Dick, who smiled when he took her hand again. They both smiled as they drove over the Golden Gate bridge.

"It's not a demotion, per se" Jason said as if he were trying to make himself feel better.  "It's more like a temporary relocation."

"Ugh, whatever" Rachel groaned, annoyed with Jason. "Ash, Dick where are we going?" Rachel asked them impatiently. 

"I thought it was obvious" Dick said. "This bridge has been in plenty of movies" he told her jokingly. 

"Yeah, but where exactly?" Gar asked curiously. 

"You'll see" Dick said, smiling as Ashley excitedly squeezed his hand as they re-entered the 101 off the bridge. 

"God I hate surprises" Jason groaned. 

"Good thing this isn't your surprise then" Ashley rolled her eyes.  "There it is, Division street!" Ashley said excitedly as Dick drove past it. "We used to live on Billionaire's row!" Ashley smiled as they drove past. "We still have the house there too" Ashley practically sang in excitement.

"Geez" Gar said as he looked at the neighborhood from the freeway.

"The only reason we aren't living there now is because I bought a highrise off of Fremont and Mission about seven years ago" Ashley explained. "Residential top half and I use the bottom for ARWH" Ashley explained. "It's a lot, but it helps to  keep the general public out of my hair." Ashley squealed in excitement as Dick merged off the interstate and onto Grove Street. Ashley let out a sigh of relief as the building where they had spent so much of their young adult life came back into sight. "Welcome home" Ashley said excitedly as Dick turned onto their street. Dick pulled into the parking garage and went back into Ashley's private garage. Ashley quickly herded the teenagers out of the car, practically bouncing up and down in excitement. "It's been so many years since we've been here" Ashley said quietly as she took her bag from Dick.

"It's been a long overdue homecoming" Dick agreed, kissing the top of her head as they went into the elevator. Ashley was the most hyperactive and excited one of the bunch in the elevator and let out a relieved sigh as it opened. Ashley let the teens exit first and Dick laughed quietly and picked up Ashley and he carried her over the threshold and gently set her down on her feet and kissed her. "Welcome home, Ash" He said to her. 

"Welcome home, Dick" Ashley smiled widely at him. Ashley smiled as the two boys got excited. "You can choose any of the rooms that are unlocked and undecorated" Ashley told them and they ran off. Ashley looked around and her eyes watered as she recounted the memories she had of the home. She remembered Garth's twenty-first birthday, which was the last birthday party Ashley had ever held in the penthouse. She remembered the late nights she had spent with Dick in the living room, making out on the coach while she watched sad romance movies on the television. She remembered all the dinners she and Dawn had made in the kitchen while they annoyed everyone as they danced to eighties music while Donna would sit at the island bar, shaking her head at the two while the men sat in the living room screaming at the television as they watched football. Ashley wiped a stray year away and swallowed the lump in her throat and looked up at Dick.

Dick nodded at her and whispered "It's like it hasn't even changed."

"Woah" Rachel said softly as she looked around. She went forward as Dick rubbed Ashley's back and she leaned into his side as they watched her look around in wonder. 

"Remember when Garth busted his ass running to the kitchen when he was trying to get away from Hank?" Ashley smiled and laughed quietly as Dick laughed with her softly. 

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