578 13 14

San Francisco, California

Dick and Ashley walked hand in hand down the corridor together as they planned their next moves. "Guys we need to talk" Dawn said, running up behind the couple. 

"Okay" Dick said turning around and releasing Ashley's hand.

"After we kill Deathstroke, this is over" Dawn insisted. 

"The titans?" Dick asked. "We don't need to go there" Dick told her, shaking his head and turning around. 

"I wasn't asking" Dawn said. "We all three know Deathstroke didn't just pull Doctor Light's name out of a hat. What we did, it's all coming back on us" Dawn said, walking toward the duo. "Which maybe we deserve, but these kids? None of this is on them. They had no idea what they were signing up for" Dawn said, getting close to the two. "Not telling them might've been easier for you two, but it wasn't right. Reopening this tower was a mistake" Dawn said. Ashley opened her mouth to speak but Dawn cut her off. "How many people are gonna have to die for you to realize that?" Dawn asked. "Whatever reason you two had for it, whether it was selfish or you wanted to paper over the past with some new experiment doesn't matter. This isn't about you two or us. End your little experiment or I will burn this place down myself" Dawn threatened. 

"I never took kindly to threats" Ashley yelled as Dawn walked off and Ashley shook her head. "I'm about to knock all these damn threats out of their mouths" Ashley huffed. 

"What if she's right?" Dick asked Ashley. 

"We finally have a chance to do some good" Ashley told him. "I wasn't a fan of the whole Titans revival either at first, but I was happy to be home regardless. We have ghosts that can't be explained and pasts that are better left buried but those kids want to learn to be a hero and they're gonna do it with us or without us" Ashley reasoned with him. "I'd like to do it in a setting that we can watch them, teach them to not make our mistakes, Dick" Ashley sighed and shook her head. "Maybe they won't get innocents killed like we did" Ashley shook her head. "I'm not saying they gotta like it, but I can help the others hide from their pasts and I can help these kids with their futures" Ashley said and patted his bicep. "I'll do it with you, or without you but Rachel and Gar are my kids now and I'm gonna protect them while they still want to do this" Ashley said, leaving the hallway. 

"What about Jason?" Dick yelled after her. 

"What about him?" Ashley asked, turning back around. "I got no problem with handing Rose over, that's not my problem. I'll get him back one way or another because he's one of us, whether I like it or not. When we get Jason back though, I'm shipping that little asshole back to where he came from. He can't work in a team, he's proven that so he can go back to my Dad until he's ready" Ashley shrugged and left, unwilling to continue the conversation.


"Hank was right" Dick said as they huddled around the kitchen island. Ashley looked at him like he had grown multiple heads as he continued on. "We were all right, Jason needs us. We can't just stand here and do nothing" Dick said. "Deathstroke wants to make a trade, we'll make a trade" Dick said assuredly. 

"Great I'll get the girl" Ashley nodded, moving to break away from the group. 

"We can't just hand over Rose" Hank said pointedly, eyeing Ashley as she frowned. 

"Oh yes we absolutely can" Ashley said with a mixture of anger and disbelief at the blonde man's words. 

"No we can't" Dick said, looking at his girlfriend with a hard stare. "I have an idea" Dick said. "Gar, you and Rachel stay here with Rose. Protect the tower, I'll contact Deathstroke and confirm the meetup at the plaza. Then we'll take him down once and for all, together" Dick said to the gathered group. 

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