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San Francisco, California

Ashley shook her head as she reached Dick's voicemail again and began picking at a scab that had formed on her arm from the fall. She sighed and looked up from her phone to the boy laying in his hospital bed and shook her head. "You good?" She asked Kory who nodded and Ashley stood up and walked out of the room. She passed through the empty living room and went on to the living quarters and made her way to the room she shared with Dick and opened the door. She grabbed a change of clothes and entered the en suite bathroom and turned on Avril Lavigne. She turned the water to as hot as she could initially stand before she stripped and entered her shower. She began singing the words to Together and sighed in contentment as the water ran over her body, which struck her as odd after considering her childhood where she had spent years afraid of the water. She decided to spend a little extra in the shower as she felt her joints begin to loosen up and popped a few of them. When she finished, she went and got two towels and wrapped her hair, and then made a dress of the second towel around her body and quickly went through her skincare and grimaced as she realized the pain in her torso was beginning to catch up to her. "Dammit" Ashley sighed and grabbed her torso instinctually before looking through her clothes and realized she had forgotten to grab a pair of underwear. With Keep Holding On blaring in the bathroom, Ashley dug through her drawers and grabbed a comfortable pair that she could sleep in. Ashley put the underwear she had chosen on top of the dresser and pulled her down from her wrap and noticed that pictures had been moved around and there was an item there that hadn't been in that spot before. "What the fuck?" She asked quietly and walked over to it before she let out a choked sob. She looked at the picture frame that held a little boy who looked all too similar to herself and the baby blanket that had made for her son and let out a sob. "Who the fuck would do that?" Ashley asked, beginning to break down and cry as she clutched the picture frame and the blanket. She ignored the stabbing pain in her torso and the pounding of her head from the concussion she was getting over as she continued to cry. She soon dropped to the floor in front of her bed and laid her head back against the footboard of the bed as the tears streamed down her face. "How fucked up do you have to be to this?" She asked herself repeatedly as she the sobs continued to come in full force. She began to chew her lip to try to steady herself to get back up and wiped her tears, clutching the blanket and pictures as she stumbled into the bathroom and grabbed her phone to call Roy.

"Ashley?" The tired voice of Roy Harper asked after he picked up. "What happened?" He asked in concern as he heard her start crying again.

"Someone" Ashley began without being able to finish her sentence through her sobs.

"Someone what, Ash?" Roy asked steadily.

"Someone left Johnny's baby photo and blanket on the table in Dick and I's room" Ashley said, speaking through the sobs. "I don't know who it was Roy" She continued.

"Was it Dick?" Roy asked her angrily.

"No, no he's not home" Ashley answered. "The only people who I can't rule out are Jason and Rose, but they don't even know about Johnny, Roy" Ashley said, tears streaming down her face.

"Would Jason even do something as fucked up like that? Everyone who knows you knows he's gone" Roy asked her. "What about that Rose chick? Can't trust a Wilson."

"I don't think he would do something as messed up as this, Roy" Ashley said bitterly. "The girl, well I wouldn't be surprised if she's as sadistic as her father is" Ashley said, running her thumb over the picture she had tried to hide for so long.

"I'm sorry, Ash" Roy said and Ashley clutched the blanket tighter.

"I'm sorry for waking you over this" Ashley sighed. "It was stupid."

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