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Gotham City, New Jersey

"Welcome home" Ashley groaned over the loud chords of 'Bad at Love' as the Manor came into sight. Dick patted her leg sympathetically as he came to a stop.

"It's just a few days" Dick reminded her.

"I knew I shouldn't have sold the damn apartment" Ashley grumbled and moved her shirt around uncomfortably while shifting in her seat. "Did you have the heater on while I was asleep?" Ashley asked in mortification as she smelled an armpit and glared at her boyfriend.

"What?" Dick asked sarcastically. "They were cold" He justified to the woman whose lip curled up as she stared down at the man. 

"Were you actually cold or is just a baby?" Ashley asked the kids in the back as she sniffed her other armpit and resisted the urge to throw up. "God I need a shower."

"You smell fine, babe" Dick said, shaking his head. Dick looked past her and Ashley turned around and saw her father walking toward the Jeep. "Can't even smell it."

"I was hoping for a few extra minutes" Ashley sighed. 

"Why?" Gar asked. "This place is awesome!" He exclaimed to her he looked up at the Manor in awe. 

"It's a long story" Ashley said. "Come on kids, let's rip the band-aid off."

"You're the only one metaphorically ripping off a band-aid though" Gar said in confusion. 

"Nope, Dick is too" Ashley snorted, getting out of a car. 

"What other things of mine did you profit off of since we last spoke?" Ashley asked her father as she stepped out of the Jeep and crossed her arms, her gaze settling on her father. 

"Come inside, we'll speak there" Bruce said obviously exasperated, and everyone followed behind the billionaire superhero. "Alfred, will show Ashley and Dick's companions to their rooms?" Bruce asked as the entered the manor. 

"Of course, Master Wayne" Alfred bowed. "Follow me if you please. Welcome back Miss Wayne, Master Grayson."

"Thank you, Alfred" Ashley nodded at the man in thanks as she and Dick followed her father. 

"I haven't heard from you in a while" Bruce commented as they made their way up the stairs. "When Alfred mentioned you wished to stop by, I'll admit I was surprised."

"It's not like you to be surprised, Bruce" Dick replied. Ashley stared forward, not bothering to contribute to idle small talk as they made their way to her father's private study. 

"True" Bruce commented. "I try not to make it a habit" He told Dick, continuing to walk forward. Ashley's lip curled up and she reached for Dick's hand which he had promptly taken. 

"I see you've made the news with your old titan's friends" Bruce told them. "And some new ones too" Bruce said. 

"Don't talk about my teenagers" Ashley said quickly and sharply as she stared ahead. 

"You've both been very busy" Bruce said awkwardly.

"We have" Dick confirmed as they entered the study. 

"But that's not the reason you've come here, is it?" Bruce asked walking to the sitting area in the middle of the room. 

"No" Dick confirmed, sitting across from Bruce with Ashley by his. Ashley clutched his hand tighter as she stared straight forward, patiently waiting for everything to end so she escape the awkward tension. "I never got the chance to talk to you about why I left" Dick sighed. "It wasn't exactly on good terms,"

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