"What A 'Darling' Child"

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It was ordinary day in the city when the next day has arrived. Somewhere in Malibu, a family of Darling have come visited a mall to buy some clothes and supplies for school. But of course, a perfect toy for their darling daughter, Cynthia, who's still on school for attention a meet up with classmates as Batch 2.

"Nicholas, we really need to find a doll that boost up our daughter's confidence before the school starts. A doll that can outshine any toy unlike the last ones she just gave to her cousins!" A black hair woman, who's still in her youth, was walking in the store. She have purple majestic amethyst eyes and has a personality of a perfectionist.

"Sweetheart, her room already has a whole wall of toys and she barely brings one to school every year" Mr.Darling slightly argued as he watched his wife look around the toy shop straight to the 'Perfection Doll' aisle.

"But this year, we won't get to spend time with her due to the company and collaboration. Not to mention that Jayden quit his job just to take care of our little girl. A doll that can be with her for comfort and joy. Wouldn't you want to see her happy like the rest of her classmates?"

"I do, but... where can we find a perfect doll? What about an uglydoll instead? They look cuddly and confident—"

"ABSOLUTELY NOT! I apologize for yelling at you, darling. I would have allow it if she was at the other levels, but she is basically in the star class level. She'll get another slingshot of insult from her classmates again" she defended before rejecting another doll the sales lady suggested.

"If you're looking the perfect doll, then believe me, honey, it's not here. Come on, we have to pay. Don't want someone stealing your jewelries again, now, do we?" he sarcastically retort before pulling his wife to the cashier man. It seems like the Darlings never got the doll they are looking for once again.

"You know, if you are a doll, I will certainly choose you immediately~" Mrs.Darling flirted half-heartedly while messing her husband's perfect shade of black hair, making him groan.

"Oh Silvia, who could resist this face? But can you not? " He joke back while running his fingers from through his hair before paying their child's school supplies. They only have one, so Cynthia's only playmate is her high school cousin Jayden.

•Lou's POV•

Another failed attempt of getting a child and almost got send to the food vent straight to the sewer! Heck no! Well, at least I did a favor for those security guards. Let me start from the first day of the morning...


A while ago, I was entering—No, let me correct that. I was sneaking my way in the entrance doorbefore feeling a gust of wind passed from above. Are those air conditioners? It feels like a hair blower. I went along with the humans in that item scanner that looks like our doll machine from Perfection. Yes, I still call it that. When I entered, the light went red, so I quickly hid under the table. Maybe this scanner detects weapons and metal.

I watch the guards halt the man who look a little nervous look at the bag with some stick. Oh, I always want that. While they're busy, I decided to do a little prank on this guy. I tied his shoelaces together before decorating his rubber shoes with my gold glitter and pen. White shoes are too simple and ugly.

Let's go with something fancy and pretty... I smirk from that thought and use my glitter spray around it. And for the finishing touch, I sign the shoes with my gold marker to add the sparkle with my name 'Lou', written in fancy calligraphy.

"Perfectly gold~" I exclaimed proudly. It's been so long since I last did this makeover. I remember that it was just me and Ox before. My smile suddenly turn into a small frown and hide back when I heard one cops said, "Hey! Why do you have a lot of expensive jewelries from your bag?!"

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