universe 2: the past

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(fun fact ##### is used for multiple people)

Muzan Pov

After crying to myself in a room for 2 hours and changing my form to that of a female, I had nakime bring me back to the room

Tanjuro: what is next I wonder 🤔

???: Up next is not a other universe but the past (my own au)

Tanjiro: how far back?

???: Before your dad got sick

The screen lights up showing little tanjiro walking through the woods lost. Tanjiro was looking for his father but accidentally bumped into a traveling woman

Tanjuro: ah it's this memory!

Kie: what do you mean?

Tanjuro: just watch

It was snowing so tanjiro couldn't get a good look at her face only her shoulders and down

The lady then spoke with rage "WHO DARES TO- oh it's just a little boy, where is your mama little guy?" Tanjiro said "I don't know where she or papa are

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The lady then spoke with rage "WHO DARES TO- oh it's just a little boy, where is your mama little guy?" Tanjiro said "I don't know where she or papa are." The woman looked to the left and then to the right but she saw no one as she then said "it's awful cold and your quite cute, come with me so your beauty isn't ruined by the cold" tanjiro nodded his head and followed her. Later when they reached her home tanjiro thanked the seemingly kind woman for her help, she only scoffed and walked away.

Shinobu: wow that lady was kind of rude

Muzan: I think she might be a demon either that or just a grumpy human

Kagaya: I hate to say it but muzan might be right

Tanjuro: impossible she would have ate my son and then tried to eat me if she was a demon

That night tanjiro asked the woman her name she was silent but after a long while she said "my name is Yokotawaru (look it up in Google translate)

but since your a child you can call me Yoko, now what's your name?" Tanjiro then responded "I am tanjiro" afterwards Yoko brought tanjiro a 10 course meal as she said "your so skinny and ugly, here eat up and you'll grow to be healthier and beauti...

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but since your a child you can call me Yoko, now what's your name?" Tanjiro then responded "I am tanjiro" afterwards Yoko brought tanjiro a 10 course meal as she said "your so skinny and ugly, here eat up and you'll grow to be healthier and beautiful" tanjiro ate the food and afterwards he was brought to a guest bedroom "good night yoko" as Yokotawaru would say "good night tanjiro" as she then closed the door and left. That night whilst tanjiro slept something slithered around him and lifted him up into the air "So innocent, so naive, so beautiful, yes I can see it now you will be a very powerful demon in the future and I should know because I am a demon, plus your father is a very powerful human with the potential even fight on par with yoriichi tsugikini and once you grow up and I turn you into a demon, you will have access to all the power you could ever desire " the demon cooed to tanjiro.

Muzan: looks like I was right or she might have a demon in her home

Tanjuro: she knew of his link to me?

Shinobu: she's very smart

Kokoshibo: she isn't lying though, after all yoriichi himself gave his ancestors the techniques of sun breathing which if I am correct a sun breather if turned into a demon gains immunity to the Sun

Muzan: exactly I thought nezuko was the firstborn because tanjiro was away so I turned her in hopes of gaining sun immunity

The demon then gently laid tanjiro back on the bed and disappeared. In the morning tanjuro arrived at yukos house to collect his son. Tanjuro spoke first "I'm very sorry Mrs Yokotawaru next time I will have my eyes on tanjiro don't worry" Yoko however replied "don't worry It usually gets very boring and lonely here so your son was nice company" tanjuro was relived. Before they left Yoko said "oi tanjuro here soup for your trouble" as she handed him a suspicious bowl filled with red liquid "thank you" tanjuro said before inhaling the contents of the bowl. He then grabbed tanjiro and left.

Tanjuro: wait why isn't the screen going black?

Giyuu/rengoku: it appears to not be over

Later that night Yoko spoke to herself "well now it quiet and boring again ugh, but at least I got rid of one obstacle, hahaha the poor fool couldn't tell poison apart from soup and soon he'll die!" As she then finished 2 letters and tied them to 2 crows but put them in cages and didn't let them out for ten years, one telling of the whereabouts of the Kamado family and 2 a request for coal at a nearby village "it's all coming together soon tanjiro-senpai $øøñ" as the screen fades to black

Tanjuro: wait I was poisoned?

Kagaya: it appears so

Muzan: hold it this is the demon who told me of the Kamados location

???: You all can think about it at your temporary home my infinite mansion

Later that night

Tanjiro was sleeping when suddenly something snuck in and placed a present for tanjiro then it left

In the morning

Tanjiros Pov

I woke up in the morning to see a beautiful scarf on my bed.

it had a note on it that says "to tanjiro from your secret admirer" I wonder who it's from?

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it had a note on it that says "to tanjiro from your secret admirer" I wonder who it's from?

End of chapter

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