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Please excuse any spelling mistakes.

I do not mean any harm to the idols and this story is entirely an imagination.

No hate only happiness here.




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He stood on the deck, the ship pitching over the rippling water, and watched the dark horizon of scattered stars and took a glimpse of the twilight. It was splendid, the salty breeze playfully messing with his raven strands, and he could never get tired of this sight.

Heavy boots patted on the wooden floor, soft yet with a determined destination which was apparently behind him. A pair of arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him flush against a hard chest.

"Hi, Bella."

Bella wasn't the boy's name, San knew but his Italian lessons came in handy. Wooyoung blushed, a smile pushing at his lips as he let his weight free onto the taller and whispered, "hey..."

"Mind sharing your thoughts, love?" San pressed a kiss against the boy's exposed forehead, rocking themselves for a tune he hummed, inhaling the sweet aroma of his lover.

"Not anything of importance." Wooyoung sighed, not tired but relaxed, and comfortably snuggled into the embrace. "But of course. Would you like to talk about the stars San? They look wonderful up there."

"Why don't you lead the conversation?" San said and nuzzled against the smaller boy's neck, peppering and showering with a satisfying amount of pecks.

Wooyoung knew the stars very well but for San... The only star he knew was his lover. The small frame of his was always so pleasing to hold and the obsidian gaze of the night that gleamed with the emotions he held in them. Could anyone be this ethereal? Even his shadow was perfect in the pitch darkness.

"Sannie... Sannie?"

Oh, he is screwed...

"Yes, darling. I'm listening."

He wasn't listening at all... He just couldn't. Wooyoung always took him into a faraway illusion. Dreamy lands of perfection and happiness, not just run away and adventure.

"If you were listening, what did I say now?" Wooyoung was demanding, looking over his shoulder with raised bows and patiently waiting for an answer.

"The Orion... is bright today, you said I remember." He was making a fool of himself, but who minds... San thought.

"San... It's May. Orion is invisible at night since it is in the day sky." The younger glared yet with a pout and turns away, visibly annoyed that the other wasn't listening to him.

"I'm sorry darling. You just look so beautiful today that I keep getting lost in you."

San was cheesy, always making up to Wooyoung with his flirting and he always won, eventually chuckling at a deeply blushing fellow hiding in his arms.

"You are something..." He sighed again and forced his smile to disappear even though he wanted to laugh at his silly man.

Oh, how lucky he was... San was everything he could ask for...

"I love you, Bella." Closing their gaps the latter said, letting his smile hide in the mess of raven hair, enjoying the little chaotic annoyance of the pirate he loved. He didn't have to hear it back. Just from the way that Wooyoung leaned on him was enough to know the silent trust and adoration and after all, actions speak louder than words.

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