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Lightning shattered the grieving sky in half, deafening thunder following as the ocean growled, plunging massive waves onto the ship. The storm wailed, droplets of rain scattering on them with freezing hatred and they rocked over the tumbling surface of the surf, probably wouldn't fall apart yet scary.

'Love is forbidden
Hatred is not,
For all of the sorrow
We bid our last greet but for you and me it was the inception ...'

Yeosang, who was muttering a line from a book he read, was pushed inside a berth by one of the boys and was forced to stay there until it was calm. Nay, he wasn't allowed to be out under any condition, strictly ordered by the captain.

He heard the thumping of water right next to where he lay, rippling and stubborn. It gave him a tickle of adrenaline, something that he always tried so hard to grasp the name of but certainly ended up with a throbbing head.

But now he knew.

Now he knew that yearning feeling that churned in his stomach was bubbling his memories into a blurry picture.

A sudden crash caught him startled, instantly heaving from where he was onto his feet- and listened to the noises attentively. There was a haunting uproar coming through the door and it was enough for the prince to clutch his sword which was peacefully resting upon his bed.

The ship lurched violently, knocking to the side of the sea and yeosang just couldn't cowardly hide inside a dark cave as he yanked the door open to face a tentacle wrapped around the abdomen of the ship, the masts blowing and falling in ruins.

A whistle passed over the prince and hit on the Kraken, painfully digging into the greezy skin and weakening its chaos. Seonghwa held a firearm, aiming at the creature that tried sliding onto the ship and wrapping its limbs around. The older stood in front of Yeosang, pulling him behind with an arm.

"I can defend myself, Park Seonghwa." He wasn't still adopted to speak to any of them informally and he hasn't done it at all in his entire life. Yeosang raised a brow in reply when the latter just ignored him.

"Perhaps, but keep it quiet and let us handle it." Seonghwa shushed him with such seriousness and aimed once again.

"Hyung, shoot its head," Jongho yelled over the disturbances as he pulled on the sails to be steady and strong with the raging storm.

Hongjoong was having a hard time gripping the helm to hold the ship still but it was as if it was out of control, going insane. His clothes stuck on to him with the dampness, icing him with the blowing wind and that was when the Kraken decided to knock off a mast over them.

Yeosang only found himself shoving past Seonghwa, pushing the boy who almost got killed by the heavy wood and he felt some crash on his back as he hovered over Jongho, knees forcing on the floor to hold himself up.
A grunt slipped passed his shivering lips as a result of a brave attempt.

"You-Your highness!" Jongho was alarmed, on top of that, he was even more afraid when the prince stood up without a single complaint. He knew there were bruises on his back, that might later turn into blue patches.

"Are you alright, Choi?"

There was no chance for an answer.

The Kraken was shaking the ship, tentacles destroying whichever it could reach.

"The head is beneath the water," Seonghwa announced, taking out his revolver instead. "I have to jump out of the ship."

"Seonghwa!" Captain abandoned the helm as he ran down to stop his lover from throwing himself to death, grabbing by his arm and pulling back. "It's dangerous. Don't go."

"Captain, this is about all of us. I have to go in need to protect all of us, even if it's dangerous."

Seonghwa removed his hat, loading his handgun to get ready to attack the sea creature but stopped as he heard an astonished scream.


"What happened?"

Jongho sickly gripped the edge of the ship, bending over to look for the prince who had lunged out into the dark waves. "He jumped!"

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