🌙 Moon - Bad Day

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You walk into the daycare after closing. You've had a rough time today with the kids at the PizzaPlex being rude to you. Kids are so rude, they have no damn filter. Kids are the worst, you don't know how Sun does this all the time. He adores them, its in his programming. Literally. Moon is a lot calmer, however. He just doesn't seem to have the same type of energy as Sun. He's just as caring though, underneath it all, that's his programming as well. He's supposed to be calming and caring for naptime.

You walk in with a frown. Moon immediately notices.

"For someone who usually hangs out with Sun more, you're looking awfully.. down, (Y/N)." Moon walks to you.

"Ah, no, yeah.. It's nothing, Moon. Just a bad day, is all." You tell him, trying to attempt a smile for him.

"Oh.. What about some hot chocolate and a blanket? You look like you could use some comfort after a bad day, Starshine." He seems to have a bit of concern laced in his deep, gravely, glitchy voice. 

You think for a second. "I.. I think that would be great, if you don't mind."

"Of course." He replies with a smile. He goes to get you a blanket, and wraps you up in it, then excusing himself to get your hot chocolate.

You're sitting in the daycare on the floor, on a nap pad, the ones you used to have when you went to Kindergarten. You're wrapped up in a blanket and you can't help but think in the silence. Moon in so nice to you, Sun is too, but his energy can be overbearing at times. Moon is so caring and sweet and he really is like the caring authority figure you've wished for, for too long to tell, now. You lost count of the years a while ago.

Moon comes back with your hot chocolate. "Careful, (Y/N), it's very hot." He warns you.

You smile. "Thanks for the warning." You look at your mug for a moment, thinking. "Uh, Moon?" You get his attention hesitantly.

He looks at you. "Yes, Starshine? Something wrong?"

"Not at all, I just.." You look at him with tears starting to well up in your eyes. "I- Uh- Thank you, for everything. You're always here for me, you're like.. Like the big brother I never had. Just thank you, I love you, Moon. Thank you for always taking care of me." You hug him.

Sun and Moon where designed with foam over their metal so they can interact with the kids without hurting them, some kids are really clingy and affectionate. Some can only nap being held. He's quite comfy to hug, you didn't expect him to be that soft, though. So comfy and huggable.

"Of course! You're the one who sticks with me, too. Seems Sun is more likable than I am. People tend to like him more than me. Of course I'll be here for the only person here for me, (Y/N)."

You let go of him and sip your hot drink, cooled off enough to not burn your tongue.

"(Y/N), let me show you something." Moon tells you before getting up and flipping a small switch under the security desk in the daycare. 

Slowly, twinkling, dim white and off-white fairy lights start lighting up on the fences and stage in the daycare, you look at them in surprise and awe. "Moon.. They're just like-"

"Stars." He finishes your sentence for you. 

You look at him. "Moon, this is.. its beautiful!" You look around at the lights, sipping your drink and pulling your blanket back over your shoulders.

After you finish your drink you yawn, you've had a long day, and now you're kind of tired out now.

Moon takes notice of this as he takes your cup to put it away and comes back with a pillow. He gives it to you before going to the security desk and putting on calming music, over the same speakers that usually play Sun's theme for the daycare.

"I think it's about naptime, Starshine. Lets just enjoy the star lights and sleep." He says as he covers you up and lays beside you.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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You Are My Sunshine, Starshine [Sundrop/Moondrop Comfort character scenarios]Where stories live. Discover now