☀️ Sun - Bad Day

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You walk into the daycare after closing. You've had a rough time today with the kids at the PizzaPlex being rude to you. Kids are so rude, they have no damn filter. Kids are the worst, you don't know how Sun does this all the time. He adores them, its in his programming. Literally. His original programming, of course, but he kept that, despite all things, upgrades, everything, his love and dedication to the happiness of these kids is really important to him. You adore him for that. He's so caring, he knows how to cheer anyone up, no matter what. 

So when you walk into the daycare with not a smile, but a frown, Sun's shiny smile turns to a look of concern. 

"(Y/N)? Why's your smile all upside-y down-y?" Sun asked you. 

You chuckle a bit at the way he said that. "Just had a rough day, Sunny, that's all. No big deal."

"That's not good! You want to do something fun? Play a game? Make something pretty? I have glitter glue and-" You cut him off.

"I don't have the energy, Sun." As you say that he seems to calm down, reduce his movement, just slow down.

"Sorry, Sunshine." He apologizes and picks you up. He sets you by the ball pit, sitting next to you, almost like you're at some poolside and the ball pit is the pool. 

"What's the matter?" He asks, a genuine tone in his voice. 

"Those kids are so dam- dang- mean to me, Sunny, it sounds dumb but these kids at the PizzaPlex are so rude to me and they make me feel.. not... not sunshine-y, Sun." You explain to him. 

Sun looks confused for a second. "(Y/N), I love taking care of these kids here in the daycare, but you're my best friend, I care about you the most!" He hold his arms out, like he's trying to show you how much he cares, like a kid would.

You chuckle a little at the motion. "Thanks a lot, Sunny." You smile at him.

"How about you start staying with me, here. In the daycare? Any of the kids mean to you, I.. I'll" He seems to think for a minute. "I'll ban them from the daycare!... After they get picked up, of course, I'm not going to let them just roam around the PizzaPlex, no good could come of that.. BUT after they get picked up, they're banned. Being nice to each other is one of my rules, after all! Especially when its you!"

You smile at him for a second. "Thanks a lot- means a lot to me. I don't have much of anyone else. Thank you so much."

You sit just looking at each other. You pick up a bead off the floor that the janitor bots must have missed while going around the pit, you look down at it in your hands and think before you speak.

"Sunny, you're my best friend, and I love you, you're so caring, you're like the big brother I never had." You say to him.

He seems surprised at your comment. "I love you too, Sunshine!" 

He hugs you. Sun and Moon where designed with foam over their metal so they can interact with the kids without hurting them, some kids are really clingy and affectionate. He's quite comfy to hug, you didn't expect him to be that soft, though. So comfy and huggable.

When you let go of him you look at him for a second. 

"Y'know, all this crying and sad made me really tired.. How about some Fizzy-Faz and coloring together to cheer up? That offer still up?"

He seems to brighten up again. "Yes Yes Yes!! Of course!! I'll get the Fizzy-Faz!!"

You Are My Sunshine, Starshine [Sundrop/Moondrop Comfort character scenarios]Where stories live. Discover now