12. pat

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All were shocked to see Ohm marking Nanon front of their eyes....

"p'win", win saw Nanon reaching out his hand towards him before fainting and falling in Ohm's arms...

"NANON!!!!", win moved towards nanon but ohm growled loudly stopping win on his place....

"no one should touch my mate!!!! Get lost all of you!!!", Ohm said in sharp voice with eyes glowing red....

All were shocked to hear that.....

Is this the man who was not accepting his mate few hours before and was trying kill him???

"no", pluem said in whisper....

"This is not ohm",pluem said turning towards others....

"it's his wolf",drake said hugging a scared frank closer and standing near door way....

They were friends of Ohm, of course they know the difference between Ohm and his wolf!!!!

Ohm(pat) picked up Nanon and got up from his place, started walking towards bed.... All just stood there watching him....

"his wolf isn't looking angry like ohm",chimon whispered to his mate..

"yeah... It seems like he has no problem with nanon....pat is willing to accept Nanon"

"pat?",chimon asked confusedly to pluem...

"it's his wolf name",pluem said to his hamster boyfi who nodded and turned towards Ohm to see him laying Nanon on bed...

"nanon",mook worriedly tried walk towards them seeing nanon's neck bleeding but ohm glared her, so win stopped mook....

"take care of him, he is bleeding!!",win said and Ohm turned towards him with straight face...

"I know how to take care of my mate, you guys just get out from here....i want to spend some time with my mate ",Ohm said with straight before going other side of the bed

"his wolf is an asshole too",chimon whispered under his breath...

"come on guys, let's give them some time...",win said to others....

"what??? Are you serious??? Can we trust his wolf?? He is still half Ohm!!!",frank said immediately worried about his friend ....

Win turned back and saw ohm(pat) laying down beside Nanon and hugging him closer while licking his blood on neck trying to heal his wound....

Win again turned towards others "we can trust him frank....and if Ohm came back too... He can't harm Nanon because he marked him so if he hurt Nanon it gives him pain too.... So for now let's just give these two some time"

Others looked at each other and hesitantly nodded.... And moved out of room...

"if you hurt my friend, I'll cut your
d!ck!!",chimon said from hiding behind his mate but gasped and ran away from there when Ohm heard that and glared him...

Pluem chuckled following his cute boyfriend... And win closed door behind after taking a last glance towards the mates on bed...

After the door was closed Ohm returned his gaze on his sleeping mate....

"I'll protect you from my other half, just hang on there",Ohm(pat) said while caressing his cheeks staring him...

Nanon eyes moved and he blinked before opening his eyes fully....

"Urghh.... Fuckkkk!!",he groaned closing his eyes again as he felt pain on his neck....

"so you know how to curse huh?", Nanon eyes shot open and turned towards his left side seeing a smiling Ohm watching with heart eyes laid beside him??? Hugging him??...

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