6~Allisons Back Story

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I added a picture of Allison up there ^^^^
(Btw I cried while writing this while listing to this song)
Real Quick Authors Note:
OMGEEEEE THANK YOU FOR 1.11K Reads!!!! Sorry this took so long to publish I got volleyball, saxophone practice, school, church, all that stuff! So don't get mad if I don't publish until like a couple months. 😅
Sorry if I really didn't continue with the interrogation scene I just wanted to make her backstory clear. Vote and Comment! It makes me super happy to see! :D
Btw, The winning personality for Corbin is: D!! A strong leader and putting others above himself!! Thank you for all the feedback and votes!!
Now on to the story!!!! XD
Allison's POV

The police took me to the station as soon as they presumed that to Dawn was missing. They thought she was dead even though she was no where to be found and there was no evidence of blood or bones. I hope she's dead. She better be!! Tommorow they are planning a crime scene investigation. I was so enraged by now.
Why do I hate her so much you may ask?
It's a long story that I'm not really comfortable telling....
"Ok, Allison Carmicheal, am I correct?" I slowly nodded my head as to say 'yes.'

" Now, Tell me why you pushed that girl into the lion habitat."

I looked up to see a big buff cop as he walked into the interrogation room and he shined a light on my face, almost blinding me in the process. I said nothing, I was too scared.
"If you don't talk you will be charged for murder and your friends will be charged for treason." Was he....threatening me? And my friends?!
I still said nothing. I couldn't think of anything to say. I was too nervous.
"W-well I-I-i u-umm-m.....b-but.." My words were caught in my throat as I was trying to talk. He finally got impatient and slammed his hands onto the metal table and made me jump.
"Well!!" He yelled. "WHY DID YOU DO IT??!!"
"I don't know!!!" I finally screamed. I started to cry. For real this time.
"I'll let you settle down, then I'll be back."
He said as he closed and locked the door behind him.
I sat alone in the big room. Then I started to hear Dawns voice.
'Lets go Allison!! Come on I want to see the lions!'
I closed my eyes and I saw Dawn and Me........Back when we were young......Back when we were friends......

~ FLASHBACK ~ (of sadness)

3rd Person POV

"Come on Dawn I want to show you somthin!" The Six year old Blonde said as she grabbed the five year old brunets wrist dragging her with her to the white limo.
"Mom! Can you take me a Dawn to the zoo?" She said pleadingly. "Well..."
"Pwease??" Both girls said in unison, which they both giggled.
"Ok! If it's ok with Dawns parents." Allison's mom said.
"It'll be ok!" Said Dawn. Little did they know that Dawns parents didn't even know that she was with Allison. They thought she was with her Aunt Nancy, in California.
But They lived in Georgia. Only she and Allison knew her secret.
"Ok! Just don't get hurt! I'll let one of the Butlers take you, I have much work to do."
"We won't and can Albert take us?" said Allison
"Why Albert?" Allison's mother said.
"Cause Alberts cool!!" Little Dawn said happily.
Albert is one of the Carrmichaels many butlers and he was one of the girl's favorite because he is kind, funny, and always keeps their secrets. He is the only one that knows about Dawns potential powers. Allison knows nothing of this though. He was a dear friend of Dawns Grandmother And was ordered to protect her and Allison.

Both if the girls love to go to the zoo together. They went almost every weekend. They thought they could never be apart. The zoo had a new exhibit today and the girls couldn't wait! The Lion Exhibit was opening today and the girls were ecstatic as ever! As the limo drove into the zoo parking lot, the two little girls bounded out of the car and ran into the zoo. The Carmicheals were such big fans of the Zoo they supported it and gave them a huge donation the help most of the attractions. As the two young girls walked to the new exhibit, they saw a huge crowd around a big glass wall. As small as they were, they were able to sneak past the large crowd to get in the front of the glass. They stared in awe as they saw a zoo keeper stand in front of the newest exhibit.

"Welcome everybody to the new Lion exhibit!" The crowd cheered. "I welcome you all to see the newest addition to our ever growing zoo! This zoo has been opened for a stunning 50 years and today is the anniversary so It is an honor for me the open our newest attraction to the public!" The crowd cheered as two doors were opened inside the exhibit and two young lions came bounding out of their cages into their new home. "Both of these lions are about 1 year old and as you can see they grow very quickly in size. The one playing in the left corner is our female Liona." Dawn stared at the lion like it was gold. Allison giggled at how happy she looked. Dawn had a huge smile on her face. "And the male on the Rock is Leo, King of the Zoo!" The zoo keeper said as he threw his hands in the air.

As the crowd died down, the two curious little girl went looking around the zoo for Allison's Aunt Stacy. She was the head zoo keeper and the exhibit manager for the mammals. They couldn't find her no matter how hard they tried so they eventually gave up and sat next to the Cheetah exhibit. (Foreshadowing!!) They sat looking for the cheetah threw the glass when something emerged from the darkness of the exhibit. It was non other than Stacy Parker playing with a young cheetah about the size of a golden retriever. (Corbin's first appearance!) Stacy saw them and gestured to them that they could go into the back. So the girls walked to the back, Allison showing the guard her ID Stacy gave her, letting them in the exhibit. "Alli! Dawn! So great to see you guys!!" Stacy said with a huge smile on her face. (Quick character analysis: Stacy is 19 Years old right now in the flashback but in real time she is 32, she has short blonde hair, brown eyes and is very tall) She showed the girls the cub she was playing with. He came bounding in the exhibit and played with the girls. Stacy explained how friendly he is and that his name is Corbin. Then something happened, there was suddenly a big roar, then it happened, one of the baby rhinos escaped after an amateur keeper accidentally left it unlocked after he fed it.

Stacy told the girls to stay with Corbin while she tried to stop it. She ran out and the girls watched from behind the glass as the rhino was on a rampage. They watched keepers with tazers and tranquilizers trying to stop it. Stacy got too close and it hit her in the back. She fell down and got knocked out. "Stacy!" They said in unison. The two girls ran out into the crowd looking for Stacy, when they found themselves in front of the rhino. It locked it's eyes on the young pair and was ready to charge. Then we're so afraid, they couldn't move, The rhino charged and suddenly it stopped.

Allison looked over to where Dawn was standing and saw something she'd never heard before, she was singing. He soft voice flew through the air, reaching the ears of the young rhino making it stop and fall asleep. Dawn then silently walked up to the sleeping rhino and patted it on the head. "You where just grumpy weren't you? Well get some sleep little one." The zookeepers came and put the rhino back in its exhibit then thanked Dawn for her bravery.

That night Dawn slept over at Allison's and instantly fell asleep when her head hit the pillow. Allison, lost in thought, pondered on how her friend did what she did. 'She couldn't be from the circus? Could she?',The little girl asked herself, "No! That's silly! Maybe she's just friends with the rhino.." She sighed as she snuggled up in her little sleeping bag next to Dawn. "Goodnight Dawn", she silently said as she turned off the little night light.

The next morning the Carmicheals house was surrounded by tv newscasters and such. A the little girls came out the pick some berries from the garden, they were swarmed with reporters asking many questions about the night before. But when Allison tried to answer questions, she then realized that all the attention wasn't aimed at her, but at Dawn instead. She felt betrayed, that Dawn wouldn't even talk about her, but what her little mind didn't understand, was that she was jealous beyond any measure. She hated it, all the attention Dawn had got that day, the fame and rewards she received, and most of all how it seemed that Allison wasn't even there. The next day at school, Allison wouldn't even talk to Dawn as many students and teachers fawned over Dawns achievement, she once again felt forgotten and alone.
And that's how it all started, Everyone loved Dawn but Dawn never liked the attention so she'd just stay in the shadows. While Allison gained friends, Dawn stayed alone. From that day on Allison had held a strong grudge of jealousy against Dawn, and Dawn never knew the real reason why and was confused by Allison's hatred against her.....

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