Fire and Loss

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Before I start this,you should listen to goodbye by Ramsey while reading this,I won't force you though.Now,have fun reading.

Fire was everywhere, Mylo's and Claggor's bodies were lying there, lifeless. Vander's body was covered in blood and ashes while Y/n was nowhere to be found. Now, I was glad that Powder didn't come with us, she wouldn't have survived whatever the hell happened here...

???:It worked, it finally worked! My monkey bomb finally worked-

Is that- No, it can't be...

Vi: Wait, what...?

I whispered to myself.

???:It finally worked!

I just stared at my little sister, not saying anything. Why would Powder be here?

Vi: You did this?

Powder looked around, her smile fading as she realizes what she has done...

Powder's POV:

I didn't realize how many people died because of me: Mylo, Claggor, Vander...And what about Y/n? I don't see them anywhere, are they dead too?

Vi: Why, why did you do this?
Powder: I-I didn't-

My eyes started getting watery.

Powder: I was saving you. I-I only wanted to help...

I completely broke down.

Powder: I only wanted to help! I only wanted help-
Vi: I told you to stay away. I told you to stay away!

She said the last sentence while hitting me, I never thought she'd actually do so .I couldn't help but cry. Then, I screamed, rather desperate.

Powder: Why did you leave me?!
Vi: Because you're a Jinx! You hear me?! Mylo was right!

She said that while grabbing my face harshly. In the distance, someone screamed.

Vi's POV:

???: Vi! Stop! Leave her alone!

I recognize that voice.

Wait, what am I doing...?

I looked at Powder, then at my hand that let go of her face and then I stood up. I was too overwhelmed by all this.

Y/n's POV:

My vision was blurry but I could make out a blue haired and a red haired girl, Powder and Vi. Violet walked away from her little sister which confused me.

Powder: No, Violet! Don't leave me, please! I need you!

She kept walking nonetheless. I tried walking up to the bluenette, my whole body ached but I somehow got to her and put my hand on her shoulder to reassure her before she turned her head towards me. Her face was full of dirt spots and it was tearstained but she still continued crying. I took her into my arms, trying to calm her down and she continued crying into my shoulder which led to my shirt getting wet but I didn't care. My eyes were burning and I had bruises everywhere. Even if I couldn't think properly, I knew for a fact that Vi left Powder, her little sister, on the ground crying after punching her.

Y/n: Listen to me, Powder. I'm not going to leave you alone, I'll stick by your side until the end.

She just nodded in response and was still sobbing while a couple people came our way. One of them man held a passed out woman in his arms who was missing her left arm and another strange looking man led them towards us. The left half of his face seemed burned and his left eye wasn't blinking which creeped me out. I could tell he had a knife. He knelt in front of us, staring into my eyes while Powder held onto my ripped shirt. He must be that Silco guy.

Silco: Hello there, little ones. Where's your sister?

He looked at Powder meaning he talked about Vi. Moments later, I could hear Vi's Voice.

Vi: Powder! Y/n!

But it got muffled. Without hesitation, Powder jumped out of my arms into Silcos. It surprised me as much as him.

Powder: She left me, my own sister!

He slowly wrapped his arms around her which surprised me even more. He seemed...caring, almost...friendly?

Powder looked at me, signaling to hug her too, so I did and Silco ended up hugging us both.

Silco: Don't worry, we're going to show them, all of them...

First chapter through and we're at 632 words.I really hope you enjoyed this.Do tell me your opinion on this.Also,English is my third language so bare with me if there's any spelling mistakes.Now,have a good day/morning/evening/afternoon/night <3

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