Why are you so stupid?

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Don't mind the picture,nothing goin' on there 🌚

Y/n's POV:

Y/n: This is it...

The enforcer looked down the cliff before moving her gaze towards me.

Caitlyn: You sure?

I scoffed at her comment.

Y/n: I'm always ri-

I got cut off by Violet jumping down on one of the wood things despite her deep wounds and just ended up hurting herself even more, then fell face first in the dirt below which looked like it hurt, like a lot... I face palmed internally at her actions.

Y/n: Girl...

I mumbled.

Y/n: WHY?

I sighed deeply and jumped down as well, a lot more elegantly, and I helped her on her feet. Caitlyn came down after a while as well. I pursued to carry Pinkie to the old house nearby while shimmer addicts were roaming everywhere. I opened the door and laid her against a wall next to said door. For your information, this was Jinx's house, before the big and intense war happened, where she lived with her parents and sister, who's sitting in front of me. I wonder if she remembers this place. Caitlyn interrupted my thoughts, talking.

Caitlyn: I'll go look for a doctor or something. Take care of those wounds the best you can until I come back.
Y/N: I'll try!

She finally left the room and I was alone with Jinx's sister. I picked up a cloth and some alcohol from my bag to take care of her cuts before raising my hand to clean her face but she pushed it away. I sighed heavily while she just glared.

Y/n: I know you're not supposed to trust me. However, try being less stubborn so we can get this over with. I don't have all day and I don't think you want to sit here bleeding to death which would be quite painful.

She had a shocked expression plastered on her face while I smirked. Nevertheless, she ended up letting me help. There was silence. It wasn't awkward but also not comforting. I finally stood up once I finished with her face, taking in my surroundings. I started humming a song I wrote when I was 12 or something while we were still with Vander and Co. I thought it was bad, but Jinx kept telling me how much she loved it. Without her, I wouldn't be motivated to write songs nowadays, I smiled to myself while playing with the necklace she gave me. It was so sweet however she didn't have to do that but she did anyway and I love her for that.

I was so caught up I started singing the song instead of humming and it caught Vi's attention.

Vi: I remember that. You hated it.

I turned to face her.

Y/n: Hate is an understatement; I wanted to cast into the fire.

I smiled slightly while looking down as she did as well, remembering the old days.

Vi: Oh come on, it wasn't that bad!
Y/n: I mean, I guess. Jinx didn't shut up about it, ever.

She glared at me again.

Vi: It's Powder!

I was unbothered.

Y/n: Sure, whatever.

She stayed silent, not wanting to start an argument.

10 minutes later, she passed out, I think at least. I hope she's not dead, she hasn't been moving for a solid 5 minutes but I'm sure she'll be fine.

Then, someone came through the front door .It's our bluenette that we love and care so much about.

Sarcasm at its finest.

Caitlyn: I'm back!
Y/n: Finally! Vi's dead, by the way.

She looked at me as if she has seen a ghost and almost dropped whatever she held in her right hand.

Caitlyn: WHAT?

I smirked but quickly confessed before she passed out as well.

Y/n: I'm just fucking with you, obviously .She's just passed out, I think...

Caitlyn tried to take deep breaths and not scream at me.

Caitlyn: I beg your pardon.
Y/n: I'm not joking this time. As I can see, you found something that kinda looks like Shimmer, so am I supposed trust that?                                                                                                                                  Caitlyn: Yeah, I know, but do you want Vi to die if she hasn't already?                                                        Y/n: No, but don't blame me if it goes wrong.                                                                                                 Caitlyn: Don't you work for Silco? Shouldn't you trust it?                                                                                   Y/n: Look at all these people we saw earlier, if you take too much, you'll get addicted.                    Caitlyn: Well, if you want to be so sure, why don't you give it to her?

Now, I was the one who was shocked.

Y/n: What?

Another chapter done with 719 words,shorter than the last ones.But don't worry,the next chapter will be longer,I promise.
Now have a nice day/morning/lunch/afternoon/night/dinner/evening.

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