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Here's a photo of my cat,you're welcome :)

Y/n's POV:

It's been 8 years since the incident. Powder who goes by Jinx now is 18 and I'm 20. If you're wondering, yes, we still live with and work for Silco. Well by "working for Silco" I mean staying most of the time in our room 'cause he doesn't trust us with "real jobs", whatever the hell that means...

Right now, we're hanging out in our room when Jinx suddenly spoke up.

Jinx: Hey Y/n, I have an amazing idea and I'm sure you'll like it as well...

She said that before winking at me .I smirked at her.

Y/n: Spill.
Jinx:  How about we attack that building in Topside?                                              Y/n: Which one?
Jinx: We overheard Sevika and Silco talking about it.
Y/n: Oh yeah, I remember. Well, you read my mind...

She smiled at me.

Jinx: Great! I'll get your bombs and weapons and let's go.

And with that, she jumped off the couch and ran towards the table on the other side of the room. She can be so cute when she's excited, I love that about her...Vi's missing out on stuff, well not really, she's dead anyways, I think...But whatever.

We made a plan and went through it step by step. Firstly, I set the building on fire, my favorite thing to do. Not long after, enforcers arrived at the scene. Some of them tried to put out the fire; others entered it when they heard a scared little girl. Little did they know it was actually just Jinx fucking with them. Once they got to the middle of the room, they looked around, spotting the bombs hanging from the ceiling. When my partner stopped talking the bombs went off, blowing them in all sorts of directions. Some of them survived. Smoke filled the room while we slowly walked towards the people in uniforms. Jinx blew her hair out of her vision before we said in sync.

Y/n, Jinx: Hi!

A split second later, we set off our other bombs and threw them in their direction making sure none of them survived. Once we were done, we quickly packed our things and went home. I stopped in my tracks when saw a dark blue haired woman staring at me and we held eye contact. She was badly wounded and had anger as well as confusion in her eyes. Then, Jinx broke me out of the trance.

Jinx: You coming?

She grabbed my hand in the process before dragging me home, not letting go.

Today was definitely fun, Jinx thought the same.

Jinx: If he still thinks we can't handle a real job, I swear to god.

She laughed cutely.

Y/n: He's going to kill us either way since we snuck out without telling him.
Jinx: You're just paranoid.
Y/n: I am not-

She cut me off.

Jinx: Shush, you are paranoid; now let's get back to work.

She laughed at my shocked expression before I smiled lightly and rolled my eyes.

Jinx: Oh, I almost forgot.

She stood up and went to look under her bed. You could read the confusion on my face. Seems like she found what she was looking for 'cause she walked back and sat in front of me.

I'll never leave you (Jinx x reader)Where stories live. Discover now