Enforcers and Councelors

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Hi guys ^^ Before I start this chapter I just wanna day thank you SO MUCH for more than 100 reads,it really means a lot to me :').I didn't even think I'd get past 10 but here we are.As a Thank you,this chapter is gonna be very long.And without further ado,let's start chapter 8. (Grab something eat and drink and enjoy!)

Y/n's POV:

Ekko started questioning my life decisions and me even though he's younger than me.

Ekko: I-I don't get it! You and Jinx work for Silco even though he was the cause of Vander's death?!

I looked him dead in the eye before sighing.

Y/n: I already told you why and you just don't get it...Whatever, it's complicated.
Vi: Yeah no shit.
Y/n: Can we NOT talk about this now?! Cait's still in there, enraging and locked up while I just wanna get back to my Jinx.

Shit, I didn't mean to say that out loud.

Vi: Her name's Powder and what in the hell do you mean by "Your Jinx"?
Ekko: This smells very fruity, are you two like together or somethin'?
Vi: Or...you have a crush on her?

I could feel my face heat up at these questions and I had trouble talking normally.

Y/n: I-uh-neither! Let's just get Caitlyn outta these and get this over with, okay?!

And with that, I actually ran away from these two creeps towards Caitlyn's room, not wanting to continue this awkward conversation.

Ekko's POV:

Ekko: Yep, they're definitely in love.
Vi: I agree, Powder deserves them.
Ekko: C'mon, let's get your girlfriend out of that cell.

Her face turned a bright red.

Vi: I-She is not my girlfriend, how many fucking times do I have to say it?!
Ekko: Hm, whatever you say.
Vi: Asshole...

She whispered but I could hear it. God, Love can be so beautiful...When am I going to find my Prince Charming? Okay, focus, Ekko! No time for daydreaming!

Vi's POV:

Once we got to Y/n, they leaned against the wall and stared down, not making eye contact .I stood next to them and whispered into their ear.

Vi,you got Caitlyn,don't hit on your sister-in-law.

Vi: Sure you're not crushing on my sister?

They jumped at my sudden appearance but steadied themselves once they knew it was me.

Y/n: Geez, don't sneak up on me like that! And yes, I'm pretty sure.
Vi: Your red face says otherwise...

Now, they were mad.

Y/n: Shut the Fuck up, you little-
Ekko: Guys, keep it down!

I smirked before whispering to them again.

Vi: I grew up with you, so stop denying it.

They scoffed but smiled slightly. I know they like her, I'm not stupid.

Ekko finally opened the door. Caitlyn's hands got freed and a little boy handed her bowl of water but she yeeted it out of his hands before he ran out. She was furious and finally spotted Ekko. Y/n and I were hidden.

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