Chapter 12: What could have been

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Sadly, this is the Last Chapter of "I'll never leave you", I hope you enjoy!

Y/n's POV

I put pressure on the wound through my shirt while no one suspected a thing. After some moments of arguing, Jinx held her hand out for me, motioning to to my gun. I hesitantly gave it to her before she put it on the table alongside her gun. I got confused when she put her hands up in surrender. I wanted to grab my gun again, but Jinx stopped me from doing so, telling me to stay back. Caitlyn kept her guard up while Vi begged her not to shoot. I was still staring at Jinx, awaiting what she got planned. Her hands slowly lowered to her shoulders as she smiled mischievously. Her eyes glowed up and in a split seconds, she hit Caitlyn with the machine gun, knocking her out. I was surprised, but amazed at how she can be badass. Suddenly, Vi and Silco started screaming.

Silco: You see, now finish it!

Vi: Damn it, Powder! Wake up! Remember who you are! I know you remember!

  Shit, this is taking a bad turn.

Vi: Picture Mylo! 

Y/n: Vi, I swear to god! You're only worsening things!

She isn't listening to me.

Vi: Claggor! Vander!

Y/n: Vi, no!

  I made my way to Jinx who was having a meltdown. She whispered a fainted no.

Vi: Dad!

Y/n: Jinx, don't listen to her.

Vi: Mom!

My girlfriend was crouched on the ground, trying to drain out the voices while Silco started freeing himself, pursuing to point one of our guns at Vi.              Before I could stop him, I could see, in the corner of my eye, Jinx grabbing her machine gun and fired everywhere while I tried covering myself. Once she calmed down, I looked around, seeing that Vi is okay, but... I felt intense pain in my thigh and arm. This time, it wasn't Caitlyn. I could barely stand and I breathed heavily. I felt dizzy and lightheaded.

Jinx's POV

I didn't know what just happened until I looked over at Y/n who was about to fall over. I threw my gun away and ran towards them catching them mid-fall.

Jinx: No no no no no...Y/n, I'm so sorry please. Look at me, I didn't mean to hurt to you. Just stay with me.

  I cupped their cheeks while they tried to slow their breathing.

Y/n: Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Fuck...

I looked down and saw her three wounds, one older than the others.

Jinx: Shit! Listen to me, Y/n. We'll fix you up, okay, just don't fall asleep...

My voice cracked at the last sentence and Y/N was just fucking smiling at me. I was on the verge of tears while I gave their hand a reassuring squeeze and put them on a chair.

Y/N: Listen, Jinx, I'll be fine, I promise. I-

  Their breathing sped up and we both looked Silco who was barely moving.

Jinx: Holy shit, you too..

Silco: I would've never given you to them, not for anything. Don't cry, you're perfect.

His last words...

Y/N: He's right, Jinx. 

I stayed silent, making my way to the chair that said Jinx next to Y/N, sitting down.

Vi: Powder, it's okay. We'll be okay.

  I didn't respond until Y/n held my hand.

Jinx: All of this would've never happened if you stuck with us from the start, if Caitlyn  wasn't involved in our lives.We'd all be fine and Y/n wouldn't be hurt. .

I looked at them and they zoned out. My heart broke at their sight.

Jinx: I thought...maybe you could love us like you used to. Even though we're different...But you changed too...

Y/n suddenly put their head on my shoulder, being exhausted.

Jinx: So, here's to the new us.

I helped my partner up before grabbing a weapon as well as the gemstone. I took a final glance at my sister before leaving. Firstly, I fixed Y/n's wounds up the best I could,as I promised, even if they protested. I put the blue gemstone in the weapon I built with Y/n and raised it up against the Council building. My tears finally escaped while my love put their hands on my shoulders for support and to comfort me. I finally pulled the trigger and a blue, bright light escaped the gun while I screamed until the bomb finally escaped and made its way to the building. I escaped with Y/n right after. Before we left completely, Y/n intertwined her hand with mine and kissed me on the lips, I kissed them right back while putting one hand around their neck and the other on their cheek. The moonlight shone on us while we kissed each other passionately...

No one's POV

Vi and Caitlyn couldn't believe what they saw, a bomb flew to the council building.

Everything happened so fast.

Vi was mostly worried for her sister, she betrayed Jinx and couldn't bear the thought of losing her. She could only hope for the best.

Y/n kept their promise 'till the end...

"I'll never leave you"

837 Words

This is where their story ends..

For now, I might continue this when season 2 comes out.

Please tell me in the comments your thoughts and ideas on future x reader fanfictions (Plus Canon Ships ; Au's etc.)

I'll see you in the next fanfiction, so until then..

(You know what's coming)

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