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I'm back,guys.Here's chapter 5 of I'll always protect you,enjoy!

Y/n's POV:

Y/n: You cannot be serious...

She's joking, right?

Caitlyn: Listen, I know that you two know each other. I knew since we met at the bar.
Y/n: Sure, okay, but it still doesn't make sense.

I titled my head a bit.

Caitlyn: You clearly mean something to her, rather as friends or more.

I looked like I wanted to throw up. More than friends?

Y/n: More than Friends, are you serious? Why would I date her if she likes you?
Caitlyn: No, she doesn't.

Girl, you're fucking blushing and all the signs were there. You must be oblivious.

Y/n: Hm, I'm still not doing this.

I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

Caitlyn: You're acting like a literal child. You know her longer than I do even if you didn't see each other for god knows how long.
Y/n: 8 years.
Caitlyn: Whatever, but you get the point. She trusts you more than me. Also, she would be more okay with that, I'm sure.

She grabbed my hand, put the potion inside of it and closed it.

Caitlyn: Do it at least for her.

I sighed loudly before plopping down next to a passed out Vi.

Y/n: goes nothing...

I poured the purple liquid into her mouth, making sure she swallowed every drop. Not even 10 seconds later, her eyes shot open, glowing pink and she let the most horrifying scream, well, after Jinx, so second most horrifying scream I have ever heard. Her chin rested on my shoulder and I couldn't help but think of my favorite psychopath. I miss Jinx a lot and I hope she's doing okay .Has she noticed my long absence?

I slowly put Vi back against the wall and she hissed in pain but I calmed her down.

Y/n: Hey, hey, look at me! Look at me. It's okay...

Her breathing finally got normal.

Y/n: C'mon, let's get you up.

Once she was standing, Caitlyn spoke up.

Caitlyn: You used to live here. Who's Powder?

Oh, god, Cait, did you really have to talk about a touchy subject like that? However, Vi seemed calm for now.

Vi: My sister, I have to find her.
Caitlyn: How do you not know if your sister's alive or dead?

Vi tensed up at that and walked towards the enforcer.

Vi: Yeah well, it's hard to check up on people when you're stuck in a concrete cell.
Y/n: Guys, we should probably get going-

Caitlyn interrupted me.

Caitlyn: Well, you don't have parents?

God, Caitlyn, your brain is the size of a walnut or something?

Vi: No, they were killed by enforcers, as well as Y/n's parents.

The bluenette looked shocked and I face palmed internally at her stupidity. I suddenly heard noises coming from outside, the couple didn't seem like they heard anything. Might be the addicts or some shit, or is it?

I'll never leave you (Jinx x reader)Where stories live. Discover now