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Hey guys!

Here's my first story!! Sorry if the chapter is short but truly this is just an experiment so if I stop this anime like story, its cause I was checking if this kinda thing/genre works with meh!!

Don't be mean and drop a comment to show watchya think!!

Cover Pic didn't come out well so here's the real deal->

Zero POV

"...'The world is a Pain that makes it soooo Plain' is what one would believe if the world were ever normal" I tell myself. I lift my head and send a fang revealing smirk to my iron clad enemy.

"Is that so? Or are you just contradicting the fact that you Monsters aren't the reason why the world is messed up!" the General pulls his giant sword up, eyes burning with hatred and blood lust emitting from the very blood that drips from his bleeding chest which I slashed a few moments ago.

I wipe my mouth, feeling the blood smear my cheek. You may be confused by what I mean so I'll just cut to the chase. 30 years ago, during the age known as the demon age had begun where a single king had found a Kalkier, a weapon made of unknown precious metal that is way stronger then diamond that attained a demons evil feeling behind it. The Kalkier allowed that man to win warsand kill the evil inside the heart of many people but, gave rise to evil too large for even the Kalkier of demons to remove. 4 years of that king known as the Devine Demons rule, one of the very jealous people or otherwise the kings right hand, General Kinta Ryuu from the clan of dragons had found a weapon equal to the Kalkier yet.

The Kuromare helped General Ryuu gain hold of all the people jealous of the Devine Demon had set course to destroying the country he had made. The King, Seki Akuma ran away when the kingdom was near its fall.

Ryuu had taken the throne and had the Kuromare manufactured into 15 weapons and placed it under the most trustworthy subordinates. Little he knew about the young king, Akuma who had gone to a village and married and had 3 children of whom one had the ability to make the Kalkier and one who had the ability to master the weapons. The last child....he was borne a child with the ability of a Kalkier and the ability to turn others into these Monsters.

I pull my sword to chest level with my right hand and focus my power to its sharp point. "A monster to those who deem us worthy to the name," I whisper as I wave it to my right. "And a greater demon to the one who was and still will be Divine...." I send a trembling wave of fire to the general who send a blast earth as an attempt to protect himself.

The fire burns right through and turns the man to ashes, his Kuromare falling on the ground.

"Shall lose that... that is his descendent."

I bow my head, "It was battle worth fighting... only if you hadn't lost your will to angels of lies, we could have been allies."

I place my sword back into its sheath and stare at the red painted castle, reflecting the moons dusty light. I pick up the man, Kai's ashes and place it on his helmet. I dig a hole and place what was left of him along with his kuromare and pour sand back there. I place a rock and clap twice. "I hope you find peace and have forgiveness for your sins." I look at the distance I have to walk back and sigh. "hope they have something to eat cause I have had enough killing every night"

I start to break into a run only for a figure to catch my eyes. I sigh at the fact that she followed me. An idea popped to my head. I slowly touched the ground. 'She stopped.' I smirk and disappear where I stood and reappear 15 kilometers from where I was. I sense the presence follow at a frustrated pace as I keep running 5 Km/s which I am sure are units that should never go together.

"Let's see how you like it when the one you're tailing gets away" I smirk sensing Nami speed up.

I keep running not looking back or trying to sense for Nami but for a split second I felt like I was flying! At one case, it would sound like I was moving so fast that I lifted myself of the ground with each step. The other case....basically means that I'm in the verge of falling over and sadly it had to be the later one.

I rolled across the ground and drew my sword, completely alert. I sigh as I stare at a blonde Nami on the ground with her butt sticking out. "What were you trying to accomplish, Baka?" I ask her.

She flusters and sits cross legged and plays with her long hair, her cat like ear in high alert. "Kairo and the others were wondering where you were and since I'm the fastest, they sent me and said to make a report on you.....i think I failed the part where I was supposed to keep myself hidden aha haheh"

If you're wondering what I meant by cat like ears, it's the fact that my brother Kairo had inherited King Akuma's first sons ability to place Kalkiers into organisms and had placed a cat Kalkier into my childhood friend Nami. Since that day, she was agile and faster then everyone except me cause I'm awesome that way but, I wouldn't want to brag.

Kairo, me and a few others had created a secret group called Akuma which literally means 'Demon' and we go out on missions given to us by the Jigoku Gia, a rebel group who know the truth about king Ryuu's lies. I was on a mission to find the sword of Shukketsu and ran into iron clad General Kai who happened to have been told to hide the fake sword and that ticked me off. I broke the fake sword and thought I'd make the guy bleed before leaving...ended up burning him to ash...

"Well you can see that I'm fine now and would like it if you didn't smack into me again..." I place myself to the ground, waiting for her to climb on.

"I..I can walk for my Ouch!" she falls on my back, gripping my shoulders with her nails. I hold the tears in and pull her up.

"Let's go?" I ask her. She looks away pouting and just nods a yes. I smirk "This will be fast so hold on to your clothes if you don't want them to disappear" I directly feel Nami grab on to her clothes tightly and duck her head. I start speeding up with her holding on for her life.

"I...Wonder...WHY WE NEED THAT SWORD!!" Nami screams at my ear for no reason whatsoever! I just sigh and focus on running. It is wonder to why we need the Shukketsu when they have me....

Time skip 30 mins

I stop in front of the base gate, sliding Nami onto a rock and heading to a tree. I pull my sword out from its sheath, the blue reflecting the light of the moon. I cut a tree nearby down to lumber. I cut two thin, small pieces and also carve out a stick. I head back to Nami with my new items and place them next to her. She looks at me confusion clear on her face.

"I am not carrying you..." I rummage my bag for cloth and tie the small pieces to her ankle and give her the carved out stick, "in there...You could say it was battle damage from the royal reporters."

She examines my handy work and pulls herself back up with the stick. "Thanks! At least I don't have to embarrass myself when I go in there." She nods her head towards the base.

"Depends if I back you up cause no one believes you these days." I smirk at her comical look.

She just sighs and limps her way to the door. "You'll never change will ya..."

I smirk cause I don't plan to.....yet!

I hope you like this chap! Have a nice one xD!

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