1. Introduction :)

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Hi I'm Y/N Shepherd and I'm 15 years old. My mom, Dr.Amelia Shepherd, is a neurosurgeon. She's never told me about my dad no matter how much I ask, it's pretty annoying. Growing up, all the kids talking about how amazing there dads are. Now don't get me wrong, I love my mom to pieces, but I just want to know my dad. Anyway enough about that, lets get onto my life right now.

Currently my mom and I are living in Seattle (we just moved from LA). Not going to lie, I definitely preferred LA, my mom thinks it was because I grew up there and was used to it there, but I'm not sure I agree. I miss Auntie Addie and Auntie Charlie, but my mom said that it's better if we move.

Right now, I'm sat in the cafeteria at Seattle Grace Hospital doing my homework.

Meredith: "Hey sweetheart, how's your work coming along?"
Auntie Mer asked sitting in the chair to my left

Me: "Alright I guess, I just hate math."

Alex: "I was like that in school too."
Alex said as he pulled a chair back to sit in.

Y/N: "I just don't understand, who even likes math? Or school?'
I questioned.

Derek: "I don't know kiddo." Uncle Derek said, joining us at the table.

*We all ate our lunch talking about their recent cases and surgeries. When we had finished eating they all slowly left. So I text mom telling her that I was done with my work.*

Momma 💕

Just finished my homework,  waiting in the attendings lounge xx

Ok sweetie, I'm just getting ready to scrub in to a surgery. I left money in your bag so you could get the bus home if needs be. xx

Ok, I'll head home then, I'll text you when I get back. Also my friend is having this party later, I was wondering if I could go? Please? xx

Fine, just text me when you're there. Be back no later than half 10 please. xx

11? Please? xx

Fine, no later than that. xx

Thank you! I love you xx

Love you too, text me when you're heading out xx

Will do xx

*I packed my stuff away and get onto the bus, thinking of what to wear tonight.*

Authors note:
I hope you enjoy this first chapter. I'm not a great writer and updates might sometimes be delayed due to some personal issues, but I'm trying. This is my first book, so it's not great. Enjoy 💕

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