3. Aftermath

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Y/N's pov:
I tried to get up but quickly fell down groaning in pain. Why does everything hurt? Jessica must have heard me because she was starting to stir now.

Jessica: Y/N?

Y/N: Hmm?

Jessica: Why are you still here? I thought he would scare you off?

Y/N: What do you mean?

Jessica: Marcus

I felt the colour drain from my face.

Y/N: Marcus?

I could hear my voice shaking.

Y/N: I uh... I-I gotta go.

Jessica: Good, leave you bitch!

I limped out of Jessica's house, tears streaming down my face. The only thing I could think to do was call my mom, so I did.

*On the phone*


Y/N? I told you to be home at 11! Where the hell are you?

I uh.. I'm outside Jessica's house. Please come and pick me up.

Y/N, baby? Are you ok? Why are you crying?

Mom please just come pick me up. I'll explain when you get here.

Ok, uh I'll be there in ten.

*End of phone call*

Amelia's pov:
When Y/N hung up, I started freaking out. I quickly got dressed and ran out to my car.
I pulled up outside Jess' house and saw Y/N sat on the curb rocking herself back and forth. I ran over to her which must have startled her even more.

Amelia: Oh my god, we better go to the hospital.

Y/N: No no no, no hospital please

Amelia: Y/N we have to. Come on, I'll be with you the whole time.

She didn't reply so I just helped her into the car. And got her to the hospital.

Y/N: Do you remember Marcus?

Y/N suddenly asked on our way to grey Sloan.

Amelia: Yea, I do, why?

Y/N: I...um

Amelia: did he do this to you?!

Y/N: uhh yea he.. did.

I felt sick to my stomach. That Marcus boy is going to regret what he did to my baby.Before I knew it we had pulled up at the hospital, well here we go.

We went into the hospital bumping into Teddy on the way in.

Teddy: Hey Amy.

Amelia: Hi Teddy.

Teddy: What are you doing here, it's your day off?

I gestured to Y/N who was stood right behind me.

Teddy: Oh shit. What happened to you sunshine?

Y/N went to talk to Teddy as she got her a room sorted. Teddy and Y/N have a really sweet realationship, Y/N says that Teddy is her favourite auntie, I mean it definitely wouldn't surprise me.

I was broken out of my trance of thoughts by my pager beeping.
Teddy: 911 Y/N
Oh fuck, what's happened now?


Author's note:
Hiya guys! Hope you're all doing okay. Hope you like the chapter. Enjoy 💕

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