6. Stranger?

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Teddy's pov:
I had just gotten off the phone with Addison and Charlotte. I had asked them to come and help Y/N.

Now the hard part; time to talk to Amelia. I took a deep breath before going into the attendings' lounge, knowing that she'd be in there.

Amelia's pov:

I was sat in the attendings' lounge, trying to calm down.

My daughter had been doing drugs?

I was contemplating calling Addie but I wasn't too sure.
I was broken out of my thoughts by Teddy tapping my arm.

Teddy: Amelia?

Amelia: I messed up. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did.

Teddy: It's not your fault. I know it was a shock and not what you wanted to hear. But you need to be there for her, okay? I've already called Addison and Charlotte. Just go be there for her.

Amelia: Thank you so much Teddy.

Teddy: It's no problem at all.

I walked back into Y/N's room and she was asleep, I could tell that she had been crying.

Amelia: I'm so sorry baby. I shouldn't have reacted like that.

I climbed into bed with her and pulled her into my side.

Y/N: I love you momma

Amelia: I love you too baby. 

*The next morning*

Y/N's pov:

I woke up and tried to get up, but winced in pain as soon as I did.

Everything aches.

I slipped out from underneath mom and made my way to the bathroom.

Looking in the mirror had never been this hard to do. I slowly looked and started sobbing as I did.

I covered my mouth to make my crying less audible.

Soon later I heard the main room door slide open.

Callie: Y/N?

Y/N: In here

Callie: You okay sweetie? I just came in here to see how your arm was doing.

Y/N: K, I'll be out in a sec.

I stood there for what felt like hours. Then I splashed a bit of cold water on my face before entering the room again.

I walked in to see mom sat up on the couch and Callie stood in the middle of the room talking to her.

Y/N: Hey.

Callie: Hi mija, how's your arm feeling.

Y/N: Sore.

Callie: I bet. It looks all good though.

I thanked her before she walked out.

*Later that day*

Amelia's pov:

Y/N and I were watching a movie after eating lunch; well I ate, she barely touched her food. I didn't want to push her as a lot has happened recently.

There was a knock on the door before Charlotte entered.

Shit. I didn't get the chance to tell Y/N.

Y/N: Auntie Charlie? Auntie Addie? What are you guys doing here?

Charlotte: we're here to help you sunshine.

Y/N: But I'm fine... I-i don't need... h-help.

Y/N's pov:
My chest felt tight. I couldn't breathe.

I don't need help though. I'm fine right?

I needed to get out of here. One way or another. I ripped my IV out of my hand and barged past my aunties.

I didn't know where I was going or what I was doing. I heard them all shouting for me but I was nowhere to be seen.

Authors note:
Hi loves! Sorry it took so long!! Enjoy 💕

-Poppy :)

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