2. Party time

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Alcohol, drugs and sexual assault are all mentioned in this part of the story. Please do not read on if these topics make you uncomfortable.

Y/N's pov:
It's now 7pm, Jessica should be here any minute now to pick me up. I wonder who will be at the party, I just know that there will be loads of people. Jessica always hosts the best parties, plus her brother is cute as well. My thoughts stop when I hear a knock at the door. Jessica is here!

Jessica: "Hey girly, you look hot."

Y/N: "Hi! You look hotter ;)"

We both laugh for a moment then she speaks up.

Jessica: "You ready to go? The Uber is parked just down the street."

Y/N: "Yeah I'm ready lets goooo!"

We both laugh again as I lock the house up and we walk down to the Uber.


Jessica's pov:

When Y/N and I got to my house, it was about 7:15. We went inside and I went to get her a drink.

Jessica: "Imma get us some drinks, I'll be back."

Y/N: "Kk, thanks"

I went into the kitchen and got us drinks. Little does anyone know, I spiked her drink. I know Y/N likes my brother, and I don't like that, so this was my plan for payback.

Y/N's pov:

When Jess got back I had already been taking pills.

Jessica: "Hey, here's your drink."

Y/N: "Thanks."

Jessica: "Already high? What you on?"

Y/N: "I dunno, probably oxy or something."

Jessica: "Oh ok, gimme some."

The party went on and we all kept drinking, talking, taking pills, you name it.

Y/N: "Hey Jess I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back."

Jessica: "K."

I went to the bathroom and threw up a few times. I was about to wash my face, when someone walked in.

Marcus: "Well hello there Y/N, good to see you again."

Y/N: "Shit" I muttered under my breath.

Marcus: "How about we go into the spare bedroom for a little lay down. Yeh?"

Y/N: "No, just leave me alone Marcus!" I yelled out in frustration.

Marcus was a bitch, let me tell you that. He's bullied me since 2nd grade.

Marcus: "Shut up you bitch!"

He goes to lock the door and I just back up anxiously.

Marcus: "Come on princess, let's have some fun."

He comes closer to me so I punch him. Instant regret flooding my body.

Marcus: "You bitch!"

He punches me in the face, knocking me unconscious. All I can remember is waking up on the couch with Jess. And a shit loads of missed calls and texts from my mom, Uncle Derek and Auntie Mer.

Oh shit.

Author's note:
Hey guys! Hope you're liking it! 💕

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