5. Confrontation

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Amelia's pov:
Hours had passed when Y/N started to stir.

Amelia: Y/N? Baby?

Y/N: M-mom?

Amelia: I'm here sweetheart, I'm here.

Y/N: I'm really sorry.

Tears started falling quickly, so I climbed into bed with her.

Amelia: You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about. None of this was your fault.

Y/N: I was high when it happened. I've been taking pills all night.

Y/N's pov:
When I told mom that I had been on something, she loosened her grip on me. My heart broke.

Y/N: Mom?

Amelia: I-i need some air.

She walked out and Teddy walked in.

Teddy: Where's your mom gone sunshine?

Y/N: She uh-she said that she n-needed some air.

Teddy: Did she find out that you were high?

Y/N: What? How do you know?

Teddy: I did your surgery, I have my ways sunshine.

She sat down on the chair next to my bed and took my hand.

Y/N: I guess you know about this then.

I gestured to my wrist.

Teddy: I do, yes.

Teddy's pov:
When Y/N gestured to her wrists, I felt a silent tear fall.

Teddy: Why'd you do it sweetheart?

Y/N: I just-i was feeling kinda... numb. An-and I just wanted to feel something, you know?

Teddy: You could've spoken to me, or your mom, or you could have called your auntie Charlotte or auntie Addie.

That's when Koracick walked in.
Y/N started freaking out; pulling at her hair and breathing heavily.

Y/N: G-get him out.

Koracick: What? I was just-

Teddy: Koracick just get out

Koracick walked out and I noticed  Y/N's heart monitor  rapidly speeding up.

Teddy: Come on Sunshine, please calm down, I've got you.

I embraced her in a hug and that seemed to soothe her a bit. My heart aches for this poor girl, she's only 15 and she's been through more than some do in a lifetime.

I looked down and noticed that Y/N had fallen asleep on me. I carefully removed myself from underneath her, making sure not to cause her any more pain. When I had successfully moved, I walked out of the room. I had decided to first call someone then find Amy to talk to her.

Authors note:
Heyy loves! So sorry I haven't been as active, I was going to try and post a part every other day. However I've just come out of hospital, and now I'm going on holiday, I'll try to post as much as I can. Sorry this part is mainly dialogue and shorter. Enjoy 💕.

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