4. Exposed

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Mentions of seizures, self harm and drugs/addiction.

Amelia's pov:
I ran to Y/N's room as fast as I could only to see her seizing.

Amelia: What the hell happened?

Doctor: I don't know, she just collapsed and started seizing.

Teddy: Someone get Amelia out of the room, she can't be here.

There were multiple nurses trying to push me into the waiting room. I tried to fight back but I knew there was no hope; I was too worried about my baby.

Whilst being ushered out of the room, Y/N stopped seizing. I was so worried I had no idea as to what has happened in the past 10 minutes. That was until and intern walked up to me.

Intern: Miss Shepherd?

Amelia: Doctor Shepherd.

Intern: We took Y/N up to get her scans, and they show that she has a brain bleed. However it is only minor, so they've taken her up to surgery now. I will come back every half hour with an update.

Amelia: Ok thank you.

After hearing that, my heart broke even more.

What had that boy done to my daughter?

The next couple hours were spent with impatience; I was pacing the waiting room when Koracick and Teddy walked up to me.

Teddy's pov:
When Koracick and I had finished the surgery and saved my sunshine, the first thing I had to do was update Amy. During the surgery, we managed to stop the brain bleed and then we had to page Callie for what we thought was a broken wrist, but it turned out to be a fracture. I also noticed some cuts and scars up Y/N's wrists. Poor girl.

We scrubbed out and practically sprinted to the waiting room where Amelia had been pacing for god knows how long. We walked up to her and she stopped pacing, instead she went as white as a ghost.

Amelia: How's she doing?

Teddy: She's doing good; she's stable right now and should wake up in the next few hours. However there are a few things that I would like to discuss privately.

Amelia: What is it? What's up?

Amelia's pov:

When Teddy said that there was something to discuss privately, I was internally freaking out.

What was up?

She gave Koracick a look as to say we needed space.

After he had left, Teddy dragged me to an empty conference room.

Teddy: So during the surgery we were able to stop the bleed and we also noticed a fracture in her wrist but Callie managed to fix it up.

Amelia: Thank you so much!

Teddy: Anything for my sunshine! But I happened to notice numerous cuts and scars up her left wrist. Do you know if she...

Amelia: Oh my gosh! I-i uhm I don't know what to say.

Teddy: Just try asking her when she wakes up. Reassure her that you're there for her. Also try to discuss what's going to happen moving forward. You can page me anytime, okay?

Amelia: Thank you so so much, I'm going to go sit with her now.

Teddy: Anytime! I'll get an intern to check on her soon.

I hugged Teddy then walked to Y/N's room.

What was I going to say?

Authors note:
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been updating; I've been in hospital for awhile. But I'm back now! Updates should be more frequent now as well! Enjoy 💕

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