Don't touch she's mine !

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"Natsu POV"

The day was over I was walking slowly at Luce place. When I was near her apartment I saw the kitchen window open? Weird ! I dind't smell any food ? Did she forgot ? I jumped to sneek in.

"Luce "

No answer.

"Luce, come out. I don't want to play hide and seek."

The stove was turned off and I saw her apron on the floor. I smelt chloroform. Somebody abducted Luce. I cracked my fists. I got out and ran at the Bar Sun. I busted thought the door. Before anybody could lecture me.

"Somebody abducted Lucy !"

Erza stood up.

"How do you know ? How do we know this isn't a prank ?"

"I smelt chloroform at her place !" I roared.

"Ok matchsticks. Did you smell anybody else ?"

I shook my head.

"Don't worry Natsu-san we'll find her !" Wendy said.

I remembered that Blondie wanted to 'chat' with Luce.

"Blondie ! He's in Saberthoot. "

"Well at least it's a start" Erza said.

Suddenly Gramps appered.

"What's wrong ?"

"Lushee is missing !"

"You will split into groups."

"Time skip after the groups done"

Erza, Gray, Happy and me rushed towards Saberthoots the other went to see the other guilds. In a matter of seconds we arrived at Blondie's guild. We arrived I smellet Luce scent near the guild.

"Lucy POV"

I woke up and I was in a black room my head stil hurt.

"Oh your awake. My name is Sting I wanted to see how Pinky would reack if I took his girlfriend." He smiked.

'Help me Natsu. 'I thought.

"Sting, we've got a probleme." A masculin voice said.

"Natsu POV"

"Hello Natsu" A voice that was Blondie's.

"Give me back Lucy !" I growled.

"You know Lucy smells really good. I might lay a hand on her !"He smiked.

"Well sorry Blondie but she's taken !"I really wanted to burn his butt !

"Stop it you two you will fight during the games !"A lady with long black hair said calmy.

"Why are you here Fairy Tail ?" That same lady asked us politely.

"One of your members took a friend of our !"

"She will perhaps be in the basement if she was taken."

We walked towards a small wooden door.

"Do you often look people in your basement ?"

"No, but it appents"She said.

"Your Minerva. "Erza said.

She nooded. We arrived in the basement. Luce scent was really strong. We came infront of a small jail. She unlooked the door I entered and picked up Luce bridial style.

"Don't touch me ! Leave me alone !"She tried to wingeled out of my grip.

"Calm down it's me ! Natsu."

She looked at me and slowly calmed down and fell aslep. I ran back to her apartement.


Well Natsu got Lucy back ! Hourrai . Next chapter I don't know what I will do .

Fairy Tail mistakeWhere stories live. Discover now