Thank you, my dragon

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"Lucy POV"                  

I was thinking about the promise I made to Natsu. It's been a year since I used magic I must be a bit rusty. When I got home, I opened my front door and found Erza, Levy-chan, Wendy and Carla.

"What the hell ? How did you get in ?!"

"We piked the lock!" Erza said.

"Why are you here ?"

"We wanted to know what you did for a year. Do you have a boyfriend ? Do you have new friends ?" Levy-chan said.

"One question at the time. Please."

"How have you been this past year ?" Wendy said.

"*sight*Sad at the beginning, I haven't contacted any of my spirits. I think I was depressed and contacting them would of reminded me of Fairy Tail."

"It's normal, you needed time to calm down and move on. I think ?" Wendy said.

"Yeah perhaps your right. I haven't a boyfriend and I don't have new friends. To answer your question Levy-chan." I said to them.

"Oh."Levy-chan said a bit sad.

"I'm sorry. I dint'd defended you a year ago." Erza said.

"Me too" Wendy said sadly. She began to cry. 

"It's OK."

"So how are you and Natsu going ?" Levy-chan said with puppy eyes.

"Were becoming friends again." I said with a small smile.

"If you need help kicking Natsu ass come and get me !" Erza said munching on a piece of strawberry cake.

"Yeah sure. Il"l  remember the offer."

"I'm heading into town. You can stay the night if you want." And I headed outside.  

"Natsu POV"               

It was all ready night time. I was walking thought town when I heard a girl scream. I rushed at the source of the noise and found Blondie grabbing Luce's wrist.

"Let her go ! Don't you see your hurting her ?!" I said clutching my fist.

"Leave us alone Pinky. I was talking to Blondie here ?!" He told me.

I could see fear in Luce eyes.

"Listen if you don't let her go Il'l break your face."

He let go of Luce. And began to come closer to me.

"Try to hit me."

"Stop it ! " A female voice said

I looked behind me and saw a very angry Erza coming.  Shit I'm officially dead. *Glups*.

"You won't fight know or Il'l both break your necks !" She said with a dark aura emmaning from her. 

"Yes Erza." I said saluting her.

"Fine. But we'll me again Blondie. See ya." He said walking away.

I needed nest to Luce.

"Are you Ok ?" I asked her touching her shoulder.

She jumped and gave me a hug. I then urded a  small sobbing.

"Are you crying ? Did he hurt you ? If he did he'll regret being born !"

"No, he did nothing. Thank *sob* you for coming and *sob* save me."

"You should bring her home Natsu. We don't want that guy coming and annoy her again !" Levy told me.

"Yeah, Il'l see you at the hotel."

I stood up and picked up Lucy bridal style and ran thought town towards her apartment.

"Lucy POV"            

 Natsu picked me up bridal style and dashed thought town. I could feel my face burning up.

"Were here." Natsu said.

He put me down I opened the door when I got in Natsu was all ready in my apartment looking thought my fridge for food.

"You know I could make you a meal ?"

He looked at me and grinned widely at me.

"Yes, please !"

"Go and sit at the table."

"Yes ma'am."

He skipped in the living room. I decided to make him a soup it was easy.

"Time skip after the dinner"          

Natsu ate almost all the soup. 

"Thanks for the soup Luce." He said with a childish voice.

I brought back the bowls back in the kitchen. As I was washing them I felt two strong arms grab me by the waist. 

"You know if you weren't there to save me I don't know were I would be." I said putting my hands on his arms.

He put his heads on my shoulders.

"I'm sorry I hurt you a year a ago. *sob* I should *sob* of believed you. *sob" "

He began to cry.

"Hey it's Ok. I forgive you all ready. Don't you listen to me ?"

"Hey you can sleep here tonight if you want ?"

"Yes !!!"

He ran and plopped himself in bed. I was walked nest to him, he was all ready a sleep. 

"Good night, my fire breathing dragon." And gave him a kiss on the fore head.


Hopefully Natsu was there to save Lucy. Was it luck or faith ? Who known ?

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