Chapter Seven

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"Yelena!" Kate sighed as she got out of the car, Peter followed behind her, "can you please just tell us what's going on? Why are we going to Russia?"

"I told you, I'll tell you when we get there," Yelena smirked, locking her car and walking past a fence.

Kate groaned in frustration as Peter chuckled. They followed behind the assassin begrudgingly.

"Okay, fine," Kate sighed, stopping in place, causing Yelena and Peter to look at her in confusion, "you're not going to tell us why we're going to Russia. But you could at least tell us how."

"I know a guy," Yelena shrugged.

"You- you know a guy?" Kate copied indignantly.

"Yes and he is on the other side of this hill," Yelena informed them, "so if you would just follow me. Thank you."

Kate looked at Peter and exhaled deeply. They walked beside the blonde as she marched up the hill.

After about ten minutes of walking, a clearing came into view. Situated in the middle of the clearing was a medium sized jet with a man standing in front of it.

"Mr. Sensitive," Yelena smiled in greeting as she approached the man.

"Hahah, Tsarina," the man smirked, "it's nice to see you again."

"You too," she nodded, "thank you for the jet in such short notice."

"Ah sure, it's no problem," he grinned and looked at Kate and Peter, "hey, I'm Rick Mason. I don't think we've met?"

"I'm Kate," the archer smiled, "nice to meet you."

"And I'm Peter."

"How much do I owe you for the jet?" Yelena asked as she stepped towards the vehicle. She walked towards a window and breathed on the glass. She then drew a smiley face with her finger on the condensation.

"It's on the house," Rick announced.

Yelena turned away from the jet and looked at him suspiciously, "what? Why?"

"Natasha meant a lot to me and I know you're her sister-"

"-So it's a sympathy jet," Yelena raised her eyebrow in annoyance.

"No," he shook his head, "it's me helping a friend."

"Friends?" Yelena laughed, "I didn't know we were friends."

"Well now you do," he shrugged, "take the jet."

Yelena looked like she was about to refuse so Kate jumped forward, "thank you."

"It's no problem," he bowed his head slightly and smiled, "it's good to see you. Goodluck with whatever you're doing."

Yelena nodded and walked towards Rick. She held out her hand for him to shake. He smiled kindly as he shook it.

Yelena turned towards the others as he walked away. She looked at Kate and Peter expectantly, "what are you waiting for? Get on the jet. Come on, we don't have all day."

"Why did he call you 'Tsarina'?" Peter questioned curiously.

"It was a cover name I went by after I escaped the Red Room. He got me a free safe house. He calls me it now as a nickname I suppose."

"Oh," Peter nodded, before climbing in the vehicle.

Kate followed behind him and looked around the vehicle, impressed, "do you really know how to pilot one of these things?"

"Of course I do."


Yelena stifled a yawn as she prepared to land. It had been a twelve hour trip from New York to Saint Petersburg and she did not rest the whole journey.

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