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2 months later


A house on the outskirts of London caught fire. Firefighters got out in a few minutes but could not save the apartment building. According to peoples, there was only one person in the house who suffered serious injuries. Smoke entered her lungs so she was taken to hospital by ambulance. They are currently fighting for his life .... The case is still under investigation, but experts think it is an accident. However, their eyewitnesses saw the woman quarreling with a younger man before the incident. You can read more articles about the case on the NewsUK page ...


Lando Norris

Kate has been completely under herself for days. This girl doesn't deserve so much disappointment in life. Articles just come online and one is worse than the other. She hasn't eaten in days and it doesn't do her any good for her pregnancy either.

-Honey Kate, don't read any more, --I told her while I was sitting on the couch and I ate my dinner

-But I want to find out what happened. I want to know why this is happening to me! --She shouted

-But Kate, your mom's in the hospital, they're fighting for her life ... --I swallowed hard. Inside, I can think of what would happen to me if heaven took my mother or father away from me. My family is my treasure. I love them more than anything.And now we're sitting here in the house tonight and Kate is starting to get depressed. Completely confused ...

However, the ringing of the phone breaks the silence between us. A silence that has been between us for a long time. I missed the excitement, the laughter, and Kate's smile

-Here, --Kate picked up the phone, --Yes, I'm Kate Morton, --and then her face froze. Her eyes grew bigger. She tossed the data without taking a breath and then I walked over to her. I put my hand on her thigh and let it squeeze my hand. Soon after, we were on our way to the hospital. Kate to her mother's ward. Kate walked close to me, holding on to my hand. She is 7 months pregnant now and she has to go through that. She hadn't even met her mother, she couldn't even ask what it would be like to be with her first child.

-She died, --a doctor said as we entered the ward. --She died, I'm sorry you couldn't say goodbye to her. I'm so sorry, ma'am ....

-No, no no that can't be true, she's still alive, --Kate shouted.-- Mom didn't die

-But Kate, the doctor is right, believe me, --I told her

-I can't believe I'm going in, please,-- Kate said but she was already in a hysterical state

-Ma'am, you can go in but only for a few minutes. --Then you have to take your body in here. Kate nodded and stood up. She pressed her phone into my hand and closed the door behind her. She was left alone with her mother in the ward. Only she was inside and the body. Kate cried, cried a lot, and talked to her mother. But this was no longer heard by Mrs. Morton, she had already joined her husband in eternal rest. ...

Kate and I then sat speechless in the hospital waiting room. I squeezed her hand and let it tilt her head over my shoulder. I honestly never thought we would live this moment together. I didn't want to think about it either


Kate Morton

Everything has been perfect since the girl's request. All. It turned out I was going to have a little boy, I was wearing a Lando wedding ring and my life was perfect. But it was just that, tonight's phone call changed everything ... It took all my strength

-Sorry to be so confused so late, but are you Kate Morton ?--, said a doctor in Telefon

-Yes it's me

-Your mother, your mother, will be disconnected from the machines. We can't keep her alive anymore.

-I'll go right there, please keep her alive until I get there,-- and I'll look at Lando, who was sitting next to me.

-Now we have to go to the hospital right away, --I told him and I had a hard time getting up and we were inducted into the hospital.

-Hi, I'm Kate Morton. I came because of my mother

-She died, I'm sorry we couldn't wait. I'm sorry, --these sentences rang in my ears. Mom died. I couldn't say goodbye to him. She left me here. She's gone ... I crashed into a chair and started crying

-It's okay Kate, it's okay, I'm here and Jules. We will be here for you ...
Now be strong Kate, please, --Lando said. My eyes were closed and tears washed my face.

-I want to go to her, let me go in, --I shouted

-Go, but hurry, ---I pressed my phone into Lando's hand and then closed the door behind me. It was me and my mother, a mother who no longer heard or saw me ...



The next morning I woke up already alone in bed. Lando's place was empty so I got a little restless. After yesterday, only the worst things went through my mind and I thought about every single thing. And over-thinking is bad. So I got out of bed with great difficulty, stepped into my slippers and walked down the stairs. I heard Lando's voice in the kitchen

-Why doesn't it go?-- He told the pancake oven.-- Why are you doing this to me, you wretched pancakes. --I walked towards him with a smile and then hugged him from behind

-Good morning my love, --I told him and then I put a kiss on his face

-Good morning Kate, I thought I'd make you breakfast, but it won't work

-Lando, I love you, did I say that? But then I'll do it,-- I took the pan from my hand and started making our breakfast

-Mom will send her sincere condolences to you,-- he said during breakfast,-- and she will want to visit us next month so in November. Maybe they're coming to visit us for my birthday

-It would be nice to travel here, it would be good to talk to her about women's things,-- I swallowed hard

-Kate, aren't you afraid of giving birth, are you? ,-- Lando asked my most feared secret

-You touched the point, I'm terribly scared

-But I will be there with you, everything will be fine, there will be many doctors who will help you, please do not be afraid

-Please kiss me, --I said, and I leaned toward Lando. --I can't stand this much burden Lando. I want to escape these with you.





I know this part got a little depressed or sad, but it had to come too. Kate's life is hard. I'd like to give you ideas on what kind of music you're listening to, so I'll be making a Spotify playlist soon that you'll be serving in my bio. Have a nice day and the next part is coming soon which will be happier, I hope


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