"Where have you been?!" {05}

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*Back to you*

You left the building crying. "What a jerk!" You say to yourself and get in a cub. After 15 minutes you arrive at the hospital.

"Hey paps! Missed me?" You say as you walked to your dad's bed.

"Hey sweetie! You came earlier today!"

"Yeah, I had time so I came to see you. Oh! I forgot that it's your nap time... Okay you go ahead and sleep and I'll stay here okay?" He smiles holding your hand.

"Don't leave"

"I won't dad, dont worry" you reasure him while sitting beside his bed. He fell asleep pretty soon allowing you to finally cry... in silence, but still you have a chance to break out and have noone to burden.

You are so mad at Captain and soo tired of the pressure but you couldn't tell your father anything, you didn't want to burden him. You lay on your elbow holding your dad's hand crying yourself to sleep. Fortunately it didn't take long, in matter of minutes you are sleeping safe and sound next to your father.

No more than an hour later your dad woke up and stretched his body. His eyes landed on you, creating a wide smile on his face 'My little girl...' he caresses your head which made you wake up.

"Hey sweetie! Didn't mean to wake you..."

"It's okay dad, I didn't come here to sleep" you reply yawning.

"Hard day huh?" He asks smiling at your sleepy face.

"Yeah, but I handle it don't worry" you move your chair closer to him.

"I know you can, but if you are under pressure and you need to talk to someone I'm here."

"I know paps. I love you"No matter how much you wanted to talk to him, you knew that talking to him now, that you are not emotionaly stable, you'd present everything worse than they actually are. You know yourself... you need some time to process the situation and then you'd talk to him. After all he's all you have.

"I love you too bunny" he pulls you in for a hug. You spent hours talking to each other until a nurse came in.

"Mister y/l/n are you ready?" she asks and you two say goodbye before leaving the hospital.

You slide your phone from your jacket pocket and press the button to  open the lock screen.

 "7 p.m. I've still time for a run" your legs began running towards the park you always go after your dad's visit. 2 hours and a lot of sweat later you decide to head back home. You unwrap your jacket from your hips and wear it properly while heading back to the tower.

You're almost home, reaching the front door and drink some water. You tilt your head sideways as you see Bucky at the entrance, sitting with his face buried in his hands. You closer your water bottle and wipe your sweaty face on your shoulder as you walk closer.

"Bucks... are you alright man?" You ask him in worry, slightly bending forward to go down his level. As soon as he heared your voice, he snaps his head up and without a word he jumps on his feet and rushes to you. You raise up your body and before you could react, he hugs you tight.

"HEY! WHAT HAPPENED?" you ask in surprise and worry while rubbing his back compassionately. He breaths in before breaking the hug

"Where have you been y/n? You left without saying a word! I called you soo many times and you didn't pick up and-"

"Fury would knew were I was, didn't he say something?"

"Yes... he said that you were fine and not to worry about you."

"See? He knew. So, from now on if Fury says I'm fine, then I'm fine. Don't worry Bucks okay?" Bucky sighs. "Okay, Bucky? You ask again and he nods. "Good" you squeeze his arm smiling.

You walk inside the tower, he was very distinctive and didn't ask where have you been, he knew that you'd tell him when you felt ready to. You head to the kitchen to have a snack or dinner, you haven't decide yet and saw the test of the team sitting in the living room.

"Oh your majesty! You decide to honor us with your presence?" Steve's irony and smirk were exactly what you didn't need right now. You look at him smiling.

"Princess Stevian, the honor is mine" you bow to him, while the others laugh their heart out.

"Don't call me that" Steve says with a serious face and as you sit on the couch

"Nah, I think it suits you... I'm gonna keep it". He cross his arms and you wink at him, as you turn to Bucky.

"So, how about a sandwich?" He asks.

"Yeah, let's go-"

"I'm not useless y/n, I think I can make a sandwich" he says pushing back to the sofa and you smile.

"Thank you" he nods and headed to the kitchen.

You spend hours together talking and laughing and slightly fighting with Steve, but you had a great time.

"Okay guys, break it! Tomorrow our missions will be out so go get some sleep" Tony says and Steve grabs the opportunity to scold you.

"Well we all know who will get the most sleep" he says looking at you.

"Of course Capsicle! This beauty needs to sleep, I really don't wanna look like you!" You stand up and walk away with Nat and Bruce.

"You little-" Bucky stops him.

"Alright, alright that's enough"

"Bucky, how are you two best friends? I mean literally how? You gave me up for her?"

"I didn't give you up man! You are my best friend it's just that I have an other one too..." Barnes says laughing "Oh and.... I'm sorry for the neck grabbing thing..." he adds.

"No...you were right, I'm under a lot of pressure these months, I took it all out on her... I shouldn't" Steve says and the rest avengers dropped their jaw to the floor "What?" He asks smiling awkwardly.

"Well done Captain! You're admitting your mistakes!" Wanda says hugging him.

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