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"Finally" Tony says.

"I'm sorry mister Stark"

"Okay sit down, I knew you would be late I was informed" he says.


"Natasha and Quill told me that you two were fighting downstairs" he says and you finally let out the breath you were holding.

"Surprised huh?" You reply and he smiles.

"Sit down" he says and you sit with Steve following you. Tony starts talking but you heard nothing cause once he starts, Steve slowly slides his hand to yours and tangled your fingers. Your heart skips a bit and try to untangle them but he is too strong, you look at him signaling with your eyes to let you go but he smiles and turns to Tony.

"2 days ago there was a fight" Stark says "Y/n argued with Sharon and Steve. As far as I can tell, you two worked things out" you nod.

"But I can't have you and Sharon like that" he says and you get serious,

"Then tell her to stop doubting me" you reply.

"You can tell her yourself" he says and calls Sharon in.

"Tony" she greets and sits on a chair aside. "What's going on?"

"You tell me. What was that fight all about?" He asks and Sharon turns to you.

"You seriously run to him to cry about it?"

You smile at her "Do you really think I care that much, to even mentione it, or you?" You answer and she rolls her eyes while Quill, Bucky and Sam are trying not to laugh.

"Listen here-"

"No sweetheart you listen"

"Stop calling me that!"

"Oh! You don't like it?" You ask raising your eyebrows.

"No, I don't" she says pissed off.

"Good. Next time you'll think twice before calling anyone that" you say and she looks at her lap. "Okay Sharon" you start again and she raises her eyes to you "I have a feeling that this fight had a personal and not a professional theme" you say squeezing Steve's hand and she draws her eyes.

"Of course it's professional, you are risky! You said so yourself, you push, throw, even hit your teammates..."

"Okay let's pretend that's the problem... and I'm gonna say this once, so that everyone can hear it... when I decided to throw Antman on the air and inform Sam to catch him last second, it's because I trust and I know that Sam will catch him, even if he won't Scott always calls Anthony. Right?" You ask Scott that he had his fist covering his mouth and he nods.

"Anthony 2" he corrects you smiling and you let out a small laugh.

"Anthony 2" you say and turn to Sharon "I'm not gonna give another example"

"Why would you hit Steve?" She ask and you think to yourself,

'It's not personal... yes...'

"On our last mission I had to hit him... if I didn't someone else would have... and it would have hurt, worse than I did" you say and Steve smiles to himself while stroking your thumb with his, giving you butterflies.

"Still..." Sharon says.

"Still what?" you roll your eyes

"I'm not convinced! Even Banner told me that you knew what you were doing. But I don't think you understand" she says making eye contact with everyone in the room "Acts like this may turn out horribly... if ONE, I'm not talking about more than ONE time your little 'plan' doesn't work and you get them hurt? Tell me what will you do y/n? TELL ME!"

From Hate To Love Steve Rogers x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now