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You just entered your apartment, with a quick move you take off your jacket and let your stuff fall on the floor. It was an exhausting class and you were very grateful to Leo for that... the last thing you wanted was thinking about them... 2 demanding hours of training were enough to allow yourself not to have any thoughts at all. Walking in the bathroom you take a look of you in the mirror.

"This could be worse..." you sigh and enter the shower.

*10 minutes later*

You're drying your hair while the music is loudly playing.

Your heart missed a beat once the next song came up. It was your song. Steve's and yours.

"I thought I removed it from this playlist" you press the button for the next song heavy hearted.

Lowering your head and holding the washbasin, you utter those three words that you said in daily bases since you left...

"I miss you" three words that even though you hated them, couldn't help but tell them out loud every day...

Lost in your thoughts once again, you hear your phone ringing. With slow steps towards your bed you answer the videocall, wihtout even noticing who it was from.

"God, you've become so slow" his familiar voice echoes the room.


"Well, I'm sorry I have to save the galaxy" his head moved left and right; sassy, and his expression was offened and filled with attidute "Missed me?" his eyebrows wiggled playfully.

"You know I did" Quill smiles. He was the only one who could comunicate with you... he wasn't part of the avengers; Fury meant nothing to him.

"How are you hanging in there?" you smile at him.


"Yeah... I can see that" he says side smiling.

"How did the mission go?"

"I'll tell you face to face" he hangs up. You look at your now black screen confused but you don't get to prosses what happened because there is a knock on your door. You rush to the door and see Peter standing outside with a huge smile on his face.

"PETER!" you scream and jump on him, hugging him tightly, while he spins you around. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too" he says placing you back on your feet.

"What about us?" you hear a raspy voice on your left and you turn around to see Rocket with crossed arms, Drax, Gamora and baby Groot? waiting a few steps away from you.

"Is this?"

"I am Groot!" A high-pitched voice replies and you smile.

"You have some explaining to do" you say staring at the cute little baby Groot waving at you from his little tiny flower pot.

"Y/n" Drax came closer and hugged you. "Wow. You look terrible" you chuckle and slap his arm.

"It's because I am!"

"That's bad" you roll your eyes smiling before he stepped aside.

Gamora comes and hugs you, a friendly hug she isn't fond of them anyways and then hands you Groot. He opens his arms and holds your face, squeezing it with his tiny little branches he has for hands.

"I am Groot" he says and you whisper smiling,

"I am Groot" making him hold your cheeks tighter.

Rocket is standing there looking away with his hands crossed under his chest. You give the baby to Peter, then kneel down, right where you were and tilt your head. He looks at you for a sec then away again. That split second made you realize he was sulking.

From Hate To Love Steve Rogers x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now