🥀Sweet release of Death 🥀

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He was glad that he was finally free from his shackles in his last life. Former Peak Lord Shen QingQiu. A scummy lecher who preys on his female disciples and a murderer. He didn't mind nor care. They can think all they want he would not let that bring him down.

He remembers what his shizun said when giving him his name.

"QingQiu... Qing as in Qing Jing and Qiu as you achieved breaking your shackles against your former tormentors. "

His shizun was a man. He hated the very species that calls themselves "men".

In his life he would only bow to one person. His shizun Shu WanYin. His shizun was the only one who would bother to praise his achievements instead of belittling his shortsightedness or his weakness.

Even his Qi-ge couldn't do that without apologizing and his gazes filled with regret and sorrow. He didn't die damnit!

Yu QingYuan can go to hell for all he cares. He doesn't want apologies. All he wants is the reason that he didn't bother to come back. Thinking back about it, if he didn't wait for Yu QingYuan he would've managed to save his cultivation. He wouldn't be suffering from Qi deviations and heart demons. The other peak lords could suffer with that beast's newly created hell for all he cares too.

As much he wants to spit venom at everyone he sees, he had a reputation to uphold as peak lord.

He is tired. He feels wasted after ranting all the frustrating thoughts in him he feels a bit better. Stupid Qi-ge and your brainlessness. Always running headfirst using your emotions instead of brains. Are you happy that you died. You dumbass.


--------------- Connected ------------------

"Welcome host!"

‘What the hell?!'

System: Would host like an explanation.

After an hour of explaining that I'm too lazy to write down 😃💅🏻✨

SJ: Anything to get out from this hellhole.
SJ: Besides I'm already dead.

Sneak peak:

SJ: What the fuck-
SJ: What is he wearing pfft-
System: Anything for host-didi
SJ: Eh-
System: I'm two thousand and three hundred years old host. 😌✨
SJ: You're a walking fossil.
???: Are you thinking of someone in my presence?
SJ: Shut up your giving me a nasty headache.
???: *Cries*
SJ: *scoots away*

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