🐺Furrycon of the 20th century 🐺

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Now how does he explain himself to the angry woman infront of him.

His mother.

Sue Clearwater.

Binghe clenched the flower crowns he was holding anxiously. His heart was thumping quite loudly and frankly he felt the blood rush into his head.

He didn't know what to say or how to react. This scenario is so foreign to him.

An adult disappointed in him?

No not that.

A mother worried for her son?

No not that either.

An angry woman who's eyes were filled with disappointment.

Yes that's what he isn't ready for.

"Where were you?!" Sue Clearwater questioned Seth quite furiously may I add.

"Do you know how worried I was! Or how worried your sister was?!" She began.

"We were searching for you almost everywhere!"

Searching for him?

He should've expected this outcome. After all Seth is their beloved.

But what is this weird feeling?

Seth didn't answer her. He wasn't even listening to her scolding him. His mind was high in the clouds.

Sam could see that really clearly. He sighs. Eventually Sue Clearwater realised it too.

"Answer me! Seth" She shook her son by the shoulders to shake him from his stupor.

Unfortunately for her this wasn't her son. It was Luo Binghe, Emperor of three realms.

"Is it too much to ask for some alone time to mourn for my father?" Seth's voice sounded foreign. Not the usual childlike brightness rather it was cold and apathetic.

Binghe was hoping that this would be a good excuse. He seriously does not want to deal with these humans.

Sue looked like someone had slapped her. Sam looked uncomfortable and Bingge was confused as hell. What did he do wrong again?

Did he get caught?


"I'm so sorry Seth I didn't- "

"It's fine. Please leave me alone" Binghe shot her down before she could even begin.


Bingge left without waiting for a response. He shouldn't be indebted to await a response. After all, he wasn't the one who they're sorry for.

He shouldn't be indebted to their love.


Forks, Washington was cold. All fucking year round cold. It almost never sunny and when it is he shouldn't be outside. Wonderful!

One thing that's so good about being a vampire is-
Well the beast can't get him here. According to the treaty of course.

But he Jason Black is void to the treaty because well he used to be a human. Born and raised in the native lands but now he's a cold blooded predator. How hilarious could this be. At least the bastard hasn't given him any headaches over there.

The last thing he needs is for that beast to cause him more troubles. He couldn't care less about Miss Swan here or that Cullen brat. He just needs the beast to stay put.

Because unfortunately this fanfiction world has been updated. Isn't it wonderful for the readers. However of all the plot the author could write-


Now he doesn't have anything against that kid-

If he wasn't hosting the brat's soul.

Fucking hell.


Seth was again roaming around the woods. It became an escape for the boy. The recent events being more stressful than ever.

He was fully clothed in contrast of the other pack mates. Actually speaking of them it's hard to see everyone so in sync and harmonious when he's not even one if them. Another thing that separates him from the others of course.

At least he has his sister.

Binghe knows when he isn't accepted or plainly just hated for simply existing. But it's honestly a different experience when these people are all too overbearing and stupidly welcoming. It's so strange, even as the Emperor of three realms he knew he wasn't actually welcomed anywhere.

He isn't human but he also isn't a full demon. What is he actually?

Oh right, he is a pathetic halfbreed that wasn't supposed to exist but he does. Because of that, he will dedicatedly spread hatred everywhere.

Binghe pondered to himself. 'What if he was born as a human?' 'Would his shizun actually look at him without a shred of disgust?'

He shrugged off those thoughts.

He knew deep inside no matter what his birthright was.... That man would always look at him with contempt and disgust. And he, Binghe could never truly forgive him for everything he's been through.

How laughable.

His life is like a tragic comedy for people to point and laugh. Sometimes it feels like a horrible story created just to satisfy one's disgusting needs.

The fire crackled, settling lower toward the sand. As the sun sets, blanketing the sky in black. Billy cleared his throat, and, with no more introduction he began telling the story.

It was like the story was embedded deeply in him, for he needed no book but just complete silence.

"The Quileutes have been a small people from the beginning. And we are small people still, but we have never disappeared. This is because there has always been magic in our blood. It wasn't always the magic of shape-shifting— that came later. First, we were spirit warriors"

Binge began to listen in now. He interests were piqued.

"In the beginning, the tribe settled in this harbour and became skilled ship builders and fishermen. But the tribe was small and the harbour was rich in fish. There were others who coveted our land and we were too small to hold it. A larger tribe moved against us, and we took our ships to escape them. "

Hm, their culture varies from mine how.....Interesting? Binghe was listening in intently curious on how they worked.

Leah smiled for the first time in a while looking at her brother excitedly listening to the legends. As if he hasn't listened to this every bonfire since childhood. But of course this time it was different.

Her smile dropped.

This time they were the warriors fighting to protect their land from the bloodsuckers. Her brother was still a child. He still has the childhood innocence in him. Even if he had changed ever since their... Father's death. Ever since he had phased for the first time. Hiding away in a cave. He was brought in by force and she almost threw a fit at Emily for approaching him unguarded like an idiot.

Like it mattered. Like they would be buddy buddy after everything. Fucking hell.

She felt pathetic, she feels trapped and vulnerable. Her thoughts exposed. Open for all these fuckers to see. To judge, to be scrutinized and hated. What do these fuckers know anyway?

She huffed and looked at Seth again. It's nice to see him smile after everything. Even if it was when he was listening to that same story told by generations.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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