🐺Furrycon of the 20th century 🐺

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So, I have come to a realization!
I think this arc might be longer than the previous one. Lmaoooo. Anywho, I thank you all for reading and trust me Bingge will need therapy after this one.


Seth Clearwater. Who is he?
Other than a brother, a son and a fellow pack member?
What is his reason for existing?
Is it solely for defending the sacred lands or is to protect the fragile thing that we call humanity.

Whatever it is he exists.

He exists in this world and Bingge is about to make it everyone's problem.

Ever since joining the pack of puppies. Everyone is basically walking on eggshells around him. Like he isn't a child that needs to be constantly coddled or pacified.

It only adds up to his frustration as they act like he's a ticking time bomb ready to erupt.

And he does not know why.


Bingge laughed at his pathetic reflection that was reflected on the clear water. (😼)
His eyes were puffy, his face was all swollen and red. It was a rare sight indeed. A rare humiliating side. He cannot go back to his house like this. Questions would be asked and he has no answers to give.

He stood up contemplating all sorts of lies and excuses. Unable to think one he ultimately decides to pace around the beach to get ideas.

It's okay if he can't face them right?

Why face the problem when you can run away from it!

So, he decided to ditch them and run away into wild.


'Everything will be fine.' Leah had thought when she returned to an empty home.

'He's probably with his friends' She thought exasperation oozing from her very core.

It wasn't until nightfall when the birds say goodbye and the owl perched on the branch its eyes gleaming in the dark. When Leah's gut wrenched uncomfortably.

'Something is wrong' So she packed up her dignity and called up one person who'll know what to do. Sam fucking Uley.

No matter what time it is when you're with the Uley pack it's always noisy and crowded. If you ignored the obviously upset Leah on the side. (Noo my pookie)

Sam came downstairs after talking with Chief Swan. Preferably to report Seth as a missing person.

"Seth is missing" Sam's voice rang loud through the noisy room which became quiet. He looked quite weary and tired due to the all nighters he had pulled patrolling the area.

The silence was painful and long. Before someone spoke up.

It was Leah.
"He went missing on the morning after the bonfire- heck I don't even know if he came home after the bonfire" She looked tired and frustrated with herself.

"How come you didn't know where he was?" Jared raised an eyebrow quizzically.

"Maybe because unlike you people I had a night shift to get to." She snapped but her voice held no venom to it.

"So, what do we do now?" Surprisingly it was Paul who asked this.

"We have to search for him. If he was on legs he would not have gone far and even if he phased we would know of it because of our telepathy" Sam stated.

Jacob was not present in this meeting no one had informed him. Rather it seemed like he didn't want to be informed either. Embry and Quil they seemed more nervous than anything.

They know something and they are not willing to share it.

Hm, how peculiar.


Okay he was aware that he can't run away from his problems all the time- but!
He didn't expect them to catch up this fast!

Like wow those wolves are fast!

Maybe it was because he was in his mortal form. Or well human form. Well you can't blame him for that now can you?

He just doesn't feel safe with his thoughts all out in the open. What's with this telepathy nonsense anyway?

Is it not enough that there's a vampire who can read minds that he should be avoiding?!

At least Shen Qingqiu had the decency to warn about that man. But it's not like he did that because he cared about Binghe. No, he did that so Binghe wouldn't ruin this world for him.

'Well we'll see how long he'll keep this façade going on' Bingge grinned subconsciously.

Speaking about that mind reader. He doesn't even know what be looks like!

How on earth is going to "avoid" him if he doesn't even know how the guy looks like.

All Shen Qingqiu spared him was a "You'll know when you see him"

How useful. How very useful.

Once again that bastard makes his life miserable than it already is. How terrific.

At least he spared him his name....... Wait.......
What was his name again?

Edwin- no that's not it.

Edgar- nah that's Allan Poe.

Nope that's not it either..

Edna? Nah that's just wrong.

Ah yes! Edward!

I should stay away from him at all costs. Lest they figure out that I'm not actually Seth but a rando occupying his body.
That should be easy enough.

Bingge laid on the fresh patch off grass. The air in Forks was humid and cold as usual but it didn't bother him much to put on anything more than a shirt.

He smiled. It wasn't a happy genuine smile. It was more like a cruel sneer rather than how a smile should be. It shouldn't be called a smile at all.

But that's all Bingge knows how to do know. Along with his innocence and naivety.... He lost his reason to smile for.

To whom should he smile for anyways?


His subordinate Mobei-jun?

His wives?

It was all pointless. A pointless aspect in life.

He plucks another flower out.

Letting his minds drift away into unknown lands. Bingge made several flower ornaments without even realising it. Lest he realize, he sure will crush them.

But for now let's leave at it. He would realise it sooner rather than later anyway.

The sky darkened. Funny as if it wasn't dark and foggy enough it just darkened some more.

Beyond those green trees covering the meadow like canopy amongst the lush green were a pair of topaz coloured eyes that shone like gold. Before you could even comprehend it- they were gone.


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