✨Aurora The Beast✨

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✨The Daffodils ✨

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the Milky Way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced, but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A Poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed-and gazed-but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude.
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils

Written by: William Wordsworth



Wandering around the unfamiliar yet so familiar surroundings, Shen Jiu is seen sitting on a rock that was situated in an abandoned cave deep in Moors.

That place had become his sanctuary as he was now hunted by humans.

As soon as the beast (Binghe in Aurora's body) inherited the throne by slaughtering the old monarch, he the beast had announced a bounty to hunt him down.



SPECIES: Dark fae
Reward(s): A vault of gold coins, a title etc.


He snarls as he ripped up yet again another poster with a ugly painted version of himself.

Maleficent looked rather beautiful than that wretched drawing on that poster.

It's safe to roam in town as long as he his hidden from Luo Binghe.

Judging by the millions of ugly posters he had destroyed the townsfolk do not know of his/her actual appearance.

He was so immersed in his thoughts that he had not realized that his hood has fallen off revealing his horns.

"Oi! You there stop right now!" A guard spotted Shen Jiu's horns.

Shen Jiu was startled, thankfully the system always comes to his rescue.

(Host just knock him unconscious, I'll erase his memory)

(Hurry up, I can sense the rest of the soldiers on patrol heading this way)

Without wasting time, the soldier attacks Maleficent.

Shen Jiu dodged and struck at the unknown soldier's acupuncture point.

(Host, target is found)

Shen Jiu smirked and took off to Moors ✨✨✨✨✨ ✨✨✨✨✨

Aurora's getting restless. Her body was not in control.

She stuck helpless and has to watch her body move on its own.

She was stuck in a never-ending loop.

Be born, get cursed, turn 16, get kissed by some creepy weirdo, get married to that arse and live happily ever after?

She had repeated this circle and in everyone her movements were restricted and forced.

Until one day she was offered a deal.

She lets the demon inhabit her body as it's vessel in exchange for her freedom and of course she agreed.



"Wake up!"

Huh, why is it so dark.

Aurora? Who-


I remember everything now.

I am Luo Binghe, Emperor of three realms and I came for my scummy shizun.

When I was given the golden opportunity to obtain a body that was more in power.

Aurora opens her eyes; they were blood red instead of blue.

The prince staggered back in shock.

She smiles cruelly.

"Who are you?'

"No one special"

Her blue eyes were back replacing the blood red ones and the prince forgot his purpose of coming there.

The King and Queen had arrived at their daughter's side as soon as they had learned that she had been cursed.

"Had it work?" Asked the Queen to the Prince

The prince broke out from his momentary stupor but before he could answer the Queen. Aurora had cut through him.

"No....." The King and Queen were shocked to hear their daughter's voice. It sounded colder and crueller.

"It had not worked" said Aurora who was folding her blanket.

This sentence has however shocked both royals as the curse was meant to be broken by a true love's kiss.

Their daughter was just fine but she seemed more darker and colder.

They were convinced that she is cursed by Maleficent. (She was 🙄)

Days passed but they couldn't pinpoint the sole cause of Aurora's changed personality.
(As if you raised her 🙄)

According to the reports from the fairies, Aurora, is kinder and has a sweet personality.

They had assumed that she would be happy to see her parents too.

Yet, she was not fazed and was very distant with them.

'You don't see your daughter for 16 years but the first thing you do when she's cursed is to set her up with some prince as a breeding tool' Binghe grumbled.

'When she's only 16!'
Binghe punches the walls.

He paced around back and forth all night, not getting a wink of sleep.

As when dusk breaks the night, he gets sold off to another kingdom's prince.

It was morning.

Binghe looked like absolute shit.

Yet, the maids were too excited to care about that and continued to apply makeup on him.

He swore on that moment his going to massacre these idiots.

The dress was too long, too itchy and definitely too right.

His head was heavy and was pounding.

His mind was swearing obscenities at everyone.

He looks his "parents".

He sighs.

If this was what having parents feels like, he doesn't want any.

He rather prefers his mother over his biological father and mother.
(The mother he's referring to is the washerwoman who took care of him)

The ceremony begins, with him walking down the aisle to vows and finally when the prince leans in to kiss him....

He snapped.

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