🐺 Furrycon of the 20th Century 🐺

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Ever since that day Bingge, / Seth has been on edge and well maintained a distance from everyone. His huge mistrust was even extended towards his "family".

It was a really foreign concept to him. He never had any family except for his mother and these group of people are very sticky and too touchy feely for his liking.

He can't say he hates it
But that doesn't mean he likes it.

He barely knows them.

And they don't love him.
They love him.

Their baby Seth. The youngest of the pack.
The son, brother and best friend Seth.

Not him, Binghe.

So family be damned.

He sat down his feet in the water. Contemplating everything.

He is in this foreign world. Around strangers with no guidance or whatsoever. Oh the irony of his situation. How many times has it been him all lost and confused. All because of him.

Don't judge him alright. He knows its actually his fault that he ended up like this the second time.

But can't that bastard pity him or even imagine him in his shoes for once. All he wanted was a kind teacher. Is it too much to ask for?

Damn being kind. At least a bit of strict would be fine! Any kind of attention would be fine.

But all he got were those cold remarks and harsh glares. As if he were staring at the definition of human dump. As if Binghe were just mere filth. It is unfair!

And all those so called Peak Lords. They did nothing but watch as he suffered. So, he razed Cang Qiong sect mercilessly. Why should he show mercy when they spared him nothing but a glance. His martial siblings? Hah, all of them were just jealous puppets. All cowardly and useless like their leader Ming Fan.

He did nothing to them. He did nothing wrong but was called a sinner just because he was born this way.

How could he be labelled as a sinner when he can't even control his heritage.

Not human enough to be amongst the humans and not demonic enough to be amongst the demons.
So he united all the realms and became their ruler.

If anyone is a sinner it's you. Shen Qingqiu.

You absolute scum. No matter how many lifetimes I torture you.... Trust me it will never be enough.

You dare order me around like I'm some kind of dog?!
If it weren't for me being drowsy I would've killed you on the spot for that blatant disrespect.

Fuck its not even his fault that he was a talented and gifted child!
He didn't ask for this.
It's not his fault.

Is it?
Binghe snapped from his stupor as be felt his vision get blurry and his cheeks began to feel wet and warm. He wiped his eyes and realised that he was actually crying.

It's been years since he cried. He laughed bitterly at that realisation. Once again he cried for a cold bastard who will never love him like he loves him.

That day on that very beach he spent all his energy crying for his lost innocence, his childhood and the wasted expectations he had for his teacher. He cried for his lost love, his mother and lastly himself.

At that moment he wasn't sitting on rocks. His feet weren't in the cold salt water. No he was in the abyss. Infected with wounds, running a fever and clutching Xin Mo to his chest as he ran from the monsters. All he had was the old man who lives in his head like a parasite. Binghe was filled with paranoia and fear. As soon as everything cleared. He broke down sobbing.

He wept for the betrayal, the harsh treatment and abandonment. He had always imagined that his shizun would never abandon him. That he would at least protect him like he does with his other martial siblings. Alas, once again he was proven wrong and left with broken pieces of his soul.

With nothing else to offer but his now tainted and corrupted soul he succumbed to Xin Mo. It took him three years but it the end it was worth it.

Or was it?

Albeit being loved by all. Seth Clearwater was left alone crying his eyes out on beach in a very normal Monday morning.

Albeit him being said to have the most purest mind of all. Seth Clearwater was clearly having a mental breakdown while there's absolutely no one in sight.

Now ladies, gentlemen and non binary folks.

This is a tender moment we're witnessing here. Something we're not supposed to. However, this is a clear example of what lies beneath a polished surface.

Take person A for an example
He is a happy go lucky. All rounder and a talented volleyball player. Everyone either wants him or wants to be him. But only he knows how much he has sacrificed to get there. How many friends he had lost spending days practicing and polishing his skills. Sharpening them to perfection. All the sleepless nights he spends awake trying to catch up on his studies. Did his efforts bore fruit absolutely!
But was it mistaken for talent gifted to him by the heavens?

Now take person b for another example.
He is a loner, hides in the dark. But at home he is said to be the laziest. His grades are in dumps and he always claims to have not studied or just doesn't do work. His future is unknown. He pretends everything is alright and he'll just make through it. But deep inside he is terrified. This person is afraid of the future. He is afraid and absolutely clueless. His subjects are all a blur. The teachers at school are all useless. His life is a mess. His room is a mess and he is extremely stressed. His escape only being his phone. Countless nights he spends tossing and turning in bed completely stressed and frustrated by his family. His frustration at his mother, father and brothers. All he wants is a quiet place to unwind and relax.

He is dying everyday trying to cling on to life.


To all those Person B out there. You're not alone The future might be seem dark but don't worry we'll make it through.

To Person A. People might envy you, or even wish for you to fall. But trust me your efforts were all worth it. You are amazing. They might not see it. But you do. So always remember your efforts. After all you're doing this for yourself not your neighbours!

All in all I'm proud of all of you.
Way to go my rockstars!

Once again thank you for reading this. It means so much to be when people are still reading this awfully written fanfiction after all this time.

But as I battle through stress, burnout and problems. In the end of the day its all going to be worth it. While I may sound positive online. You guys might want to see me irl.

I'm nicknamed as "emo psycho" by a friend who I will murder one day 😀

Mark my words you tiny mushroom!

And try not to hate on Bingge. After all you don't know what he went through.

There's always two sides to a coin. So don't forget.

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