Chapter Twenty One

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Time to go down in flames and I'm taking you

Closer to the edge.

--Closer to the edge; Thirty Seconds To Mars

--Closer to the edge; Thirty Seconds To Mars

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"The women who were injured, the old ones and the children have been brought to the Amusement park when we left to rescue you." Jemcer says as we walk cautiously towards the pack house. The male wolves are still in their wolf forms except for Florian, Kyle, James and Jemcer.

"Why? I ask.

"They're safe there. There are a lot of humans in that park today." Florian explains. "It's Jemcer who ordered all the women who couldn't fight, the old ones and the children together with some of the preteens who aren't trained enough to go there. They are escorted by some of Jake's fighter wolves." Kathy explains further.

I close my eyes and try to listen.

I hear a faint sound of soft murmurs, and I concentrate harder and they eventually grow louder and louder until all I can hear is a buzzing of incoherent thoughts. I take a huge gulp of breath as dizziness swamps me and I sway on my feet.


I snap my eyes open to find Jemcer looking at me with concern. "Don't strain yourself. I already borrowed your ability earlier and I've only heard one person that is not from the Aces or Jake's pack."

"I heard a lot of thoughts earlier. And they're not from our side. I can tell." I murmur. "I guess borrowing abilities still has its limits then." Kyle teases Jemcer.

I close my eyes and concentrate again. I hear the rustle of the leaves as the trees sway, and then, I hear it. I hear their thoughts. With all of my strength, I channel theirthoughts to our side.

When I open my eyes, the Aces and Jake and his members are looking at me in awe. "How do you do that?" Jake whispers. "There's no time for explaining." Jemcer speaks up. "You guys know what to do now.?" He asks with authority-alpha/battle mode on.

"They're about 10 miles from here. On my signal, we take off towards them, as fast as we can muster. That'll take them by surprise and from then on, attack." Jemcer looks at each member of both packs-the Aces and Jake's pack.

"Margo, you stay with Maya, Kathy and Jourdan. Trey, Jake and James will be with you. Go." Jemcer orders. "What do you mean go?" I ask, enraged. "I can't just leave my friends here while they risk their lives!"

Jemcer lets out a frustrated sigh and runs his hand through his hair. "Margo, your body is still recovering from the damage of that substance that the rogues injected you with. You can't even shift right now." Judging by the look of his face, I can tell that he can tell that I am absolutely dejected.

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