Chapter Twenty Three

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You see me standing, but I'm dying on the floor

Stone cold, stone cold

Maybe if I don't cry, I won't feel anymore

--Stone Cold; Demi Lovato

I woke up feeling hot and drenched in sweat. I usually wake up like this, hot and a little sweaty because Jemcer always spoons me at night. But right now, it feels really hot and I slowly disentangle our limbs.

Jemcer is still sleeping; he looks troubled, even while he's asleep. I trace his eyebrows with my fingertip and that's when I notice that he's hotter than usual. I press the back of my hand against his forehead. "Jemcer, you're burning up!" I exclaim and he just rolls to his side and groans.

Pushing the blankets aside, I sprint to the door. "Margo, what's wrong?" Florian asks me. "Have you seen Kyle?" He shakes his head. "He went on a date with Maya." "Really? wow, so early." I muse as I walk towards the door. "It's almost noon. You slept in." Florian calls after me. 

I head to the infirmary and am greeted by Kathy's mom. "Hey luna! Are you hurt somewhere?" I shake my head and tell her that Jemcer has a fever. She grabs her stethoscope, medicine box and follows me back to the house.

Jemcer is still asleep when we get back to the room. I gently shake him awake. "Hun, wake up. The doctor's here." He groans before slowly sitting up. I put my hand on his back to steady him. Kathy's mom hands a couple of tablets to Jemcer and gives him a glass of water.

"Just stay in bed today, alpha. You just need to rest." Kathy's mom says and Jemcer lies back down on the bed with a groan. I walk the doctor to the door. "Just make sure he stays hydrated. He'll be fine, Margo." And with that, she leaves.

I head over to the kitchen and make a pot of chicken soup. Jake strolls in with his girlfriend's arms wrapped around his waist. "Smells good." Jake tells me and I mumble a thank you. Everything between us is still awkward so he just grabs an apple and goes out of the kitchen.

Once the soup is ready, I gently place it on the table before I take the apron off. Carla walks in. I ignore her. She eyes the bowl of soup on the table. "Why are you making that?" "My mate is sick." She just gives me a smile "What's the use of the doctor?" I roll my eyes, "I like taking care of him."

She just smiles and says "You won't be taking care of him for long." I pick up the bowl of chicken soup  "Don't be too sure. He loves me." I say before I walk towards the door, leaving her there, glaring daggers at my back.

"Hey, c'mon you need to eat." I gently coax Jemcer awake. He sits up and leans against the headboard. I put a couple of pillows at his back to make him comfortable, I feel is stare lingering on my face. I look at him and smile before getting the bowl of chicken soup.

"Where's Kyle?" He asks as I feed him, spoonful by spoonful. He tried to resist and do it himself but I wouldn't let him. "He went on a date with Maya." I answer him as I give him a glass of water. He scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Great timing, Kyle." He murmurs before drinking the glass of water I gave him.

"It's okay, I like taking care of you." I smile before gently laying him down on the bed. I get off the bed to turn on the TV. I hold up a couple of DVDs and beam at him. "Pirates Of The Caribbean Marathon!" I exclaim before putting The Curse Of The Black Pearl into the player. 

I settle on the bed next to him. He doesn't pull me to him so I scoot closer until our shoulders are touching. He still didn't put an arm on my shoulder, or hold my hand so I grab his hand, put it around my shoulders and lean my head on his shoulder.

I'm really bothered by Jemcer's lack of affection. Although maybe that's because he's sick. But he's been really distant these days, and I can't keep Carla's words away from my head. With a sigh and a shake of my head, I try to focus on the movie.

"Crazy people don't know they are crazy. I know I'm crazy; therefore, I am not crazy. Isn't that crazy?"

I let out a giggle because I can't help it. "Jack Sparrow is so funny." I mutter and I smile when I feel Jemcer graze his lips on my temple. "It's Captain Jack Sparrow." I look at him and see that he's nodding off so I gently lay him down on the bed again and tuck him in before focusing on the movie.

"Does Carla know that I'm sick?" He mumbles and I feel a pang of pain in my chest. "She does." I answer and he whispers "Oh" before falling asleep. I feel tears welling up as I stare at his sleeping form.

I am going to take care of him and love him so good, he won't be able to leave me. I know he won't.

Staring at his sleeping face, I gently caress his face, tracing his high cheekbones, his nose, his lips, his eyelids. He is so perfect in every way. With a tightness in my chest, I lean in and press my lips against his.

"I don't want to lose you."

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