C⃒h⃒. 6 F⃒o⃒r⃒ B⃒e⃒t⃒t⃒e⃒r⃒ O⃒r⃒ F⃒o⃒r⃒ W⃒o⃒r⃒s⃒e⃒

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(Y/N) pov

"WHAT!" My dad yelled. "WHY LET DRAGONS BE YOUR FRIENDS!" My dad continued to yell. "Because they're good dragons." I said trying to convince him. "You thought the same thing with the last little dragon friend you had!" He shouted. "Yeah well they're not like him!" I begin to shout back. "And how do you know?!" I paused for a minute. I had no real proof that they would stay my friends. The only thing I had was a feeling.

"Because... I have a feeling." I said, even though it might have sounded like a joke you could tell I was serious based on my face reaction. "Are you serious?" He asked. "Does it look like I'm joking?!" I said stern. "It sure sounds like it." He said. I glared at him. "In fact you sound insane!" He shouted.


I didn't say a thing when he said that. I just stood there, frozen. My sister didn't try to say anything either. There was a long silence that filled the cave. I know exactly what they did. But that doesn't mean all dragons are like that. I know I said all dragons were the same, but meeting them I realized there not. I never knew until now.

"NOT ALL DRAGONS ARE BAD, BUT YOU WOULD NEVER UNDERSTAND THAT!!!" I yelled at my dad at the top of my lungs. When I realized what I had said I stared wide eyed. Did I really just say that to my dad? My sister looked at me shocked. My mom had the same expression as my sister. Our friends didn't say anything. "I- I umm." I looked down to the ground. I could feel my dad giving an angering expression. "HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO YOUR OWN FATHER!!!" I flinched at how loud he became.

"It's ok honey, if they have real friends that are dragons that's fine." My mom said trying to calm my dad down. He glared furiously. "How could you say that you know what dragons did to us!" My dad shouted.

"THEY RUINED EVERYTHING!!" My dad yelled. I had nothing to say in response. "If I may." Kirishima interrupted. "I completely understand if you don't want your daughters associating with us, no parent ever wants their child to be around us so we understand." Kirishima said and I gave him a sad look. He gave a sad smile. "It was nice getting to know you guys though." He said waving at us. They all said bye and started leaving the cave. "WAIT!" I called out. I ran to him and grabbed his arm.

He turned around and looked at me. "D-don't go." I said trying to hold myself back from crying. "Please." A tear rolled down my face. He hugged me one last time. "It will be ok." He tried to reassure me. "After all this is what you wanted isn't it." He said it more like a question. "It is right?" He asked. I just nodded my head. "So go be a happy family again." With that he turned and left. I couldn't help but feel a little guilt inside of me.

W⃒e⃒e⃒k⃒s⃒ l⃒a⃒t⃒e⃒r⃒

It's been about two weeks since we've seen the others. When my dad wasn't around me and my sister would talk about how much we miss them. Even though we seemed happy as ever it still isn't the same. I know we didn't get to know them long but they grew on me. Life feels boring without them around. "Hey my beautiful children how you doing?" My dad came up to me and my sister. I gave him a frown she did as well. Lately we have been giving my dad the cold shoulder.

"Oh come on you guys are still upset?!" He asked. We didn't say anything. "You know it was for the best." He said. Still no response. He kept trying to get us to talk but it wouldn't work.

The only way he could get us to talk is if he said we could be friends with Kiri and the others again. Which if I had to take a guess isn't happening anytime soon.

Was this situation for between or for worse? I contemplated as I looked down to the ground sadness and regret never leaving.

Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Bye! ❤️

The Red Dragon. E. Kirishima x Fem reader Where stories live. Discover now