Aspen Grace Evans

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Aspen's POV

"Aspen get your fucking baby to stop crying!" Max called from his room.

"I'm sorry, she needs her bottle!" I yelled back. He just groaned and I picked up my daughter. "Hey Jade, it's okay...shh" I said while making her bottle.

Hi, I'm Aspen I'm 16 years old and this is my daughter Jade she is 1,5 years old and the man you just heard is my current boyfriend, he is not the father of my child. The father of my child is far from the picture so no need to worry about that. Anyways I live in a very small apartment with my boyfriend and daughter. My boyfriend is a jerk and very abusive. I try to hide it from Jade, but it's getting harder every day. My parents deserted me after they found it I was pregnant so that is just great. Anyways let's continue.

I rocked my baby back and forth while trying to calm her down. Suddenly a angry Max came out of his bedroom. "I told you to shut her up! What is wrong with you?!" He yelled. I knew what was happening, so I put Jade down on the couch.

"Max, calm down I'm trying!" I yelled back.

Max punched me in the nose. He then kicked me in the stomach. It tried to get up but hit my head and I slid down the wall. He picked up the closest vase and threw it at me. The glass shattered on my head and face. I screamed so loud I'm sure the whole world heard it.

"I'm going to the store. Clean this up before I'm back!" He said referring to the pieces glass on the floor. I nodded while sobbing and he left. Jade started crying and I looked at her. I saw a small dribble of blood pouring down her little face.

That was the moment I knew I was done. You can hurt me as much as you want but if you touch my child your dead to me.

I picked her up and walked to the bathroom and set her on the counter. I got the little piece of glass out of her face and then patched up her forehead. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw blood everywhere.

I didn't have time to clean it so I packed 3 large bags of stuff for me and Jade. I would buy a new crib there. I wasn't poor, but I wanst rich either. I remember that 2 years ago I had bought a little shack in Outer Banks. It was mostly to store thing I didn't need but wanted to keep anyway. It was big enough to live in, so I was gonna make that my home.

I had my own car and Max had his own car. I put everything in my own car and left to Outer Banks.

After driving for a long 10 hours we arrived in Outer Banks. I went to the shack and went inside. It was filled with old stuff so I sorted it out.

The stuff I mostly threw out were:
- lost wood
- insects
- broken plates and cups etc.
- pretty much everything broken or gross
- every single picture with my parents or Max
- rotten table that used to be a dinner table.

The things I did keep were mostly:
- old clothes (for Jade in the future)
- surfboard I found.
- old couch
- old chairs and other furniture
- not broken plates and cups etc.
- decorations
- pictures with Jade

3rd person POV

She took everything she wanted to get rid of out of the house and put them in her car. She then took it to a local garbage disposal and threw everything in. While she was foing this Jade watched her while drinking Caprisun.

If u said Jade, you said Caprisun, she was obsessed!

3 hours later the shack was all done. She just needed to run to the store for a crib and some other furniture, after she would get food.

Now 2 hours later Jade had fallen asleep and the house was now completely finished. She put Jade in her car seat and left for the shops. She decided to go to this local shop called 'Heywards'.

When she arrived she took Jade out and put her in the stroller. Jade was now awake so she gave Jade a binky and her stuffed elephant: Mr. Phant.

She went into the store and got what she needed. She was about to get some diapers when a woman walked up to her and Jade....


Next part will be longer.

*not edited*

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