Shopping drama

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Aspen's POV

I was looking at diapers when a woman walked up to Jade. She tickled Jade and Jade giggled a little. I smiled at the small gesture and let it slide.

After 5 minutes she hadn't stopped tickling Jade and Jade looked uncomfortable. Suddenly Jade's lip started to tremble and her cheeks turned red. "Ma'am can you stop tickling her she doesn't like it." I asked politely.

She looked at me with high eyes and just continued. Like I expected, Jade started to cry so I picked her up. "Are you her mother?" The woman asked. "Yeah?" I replied confused. Wasn't it obvious?

"What are you talking about?! This is MY CHILD!" the woman yelled. Everyone in the store was now looking at us.

"No she's not." I replied calmly. "GIVE ME BACK MY DAUGHTER!" the woman continued. "What are you-" I started.

"Ladies what's going on?" A kind man asked.


We all came into the store to collect Pope when he was looking at a fight between a woman and a girl.

"GIVE ME BACK MY DAUGHTER!!" the woman yelled at the girl. Now I saw the kid the girl had in her hands. The kid looked terrified of the screaming woman and cried even louder.

"What's going on?" Kie asked Pope.

"They both claim that the little girl is their daughter. I mean I know who is lying but-" Pope told everyone.

"Its the girl's right?" I asked. He nodded and we all looked at Heyward who was trying to calm the woman down.

Now I looked closer at the girl she had cuts all over her face and bruises around her eye and nose. The toddler also had a cut on her forehead.

Suddenly the woman lunged at the girl. "Look at her! She is covered in bruises! She probably abused her daughter!" You saw something snap in the girls eyes. They went from anger to pain.

"Ma'am you need to calm down or I'm gonna have to ask your to leave." Heyward said calmly. The woman now started fighting with Heyward and the girl looked at her crying daughter.

"Are you ok?" I asked the girl. "I'm fine. I don't know about her tho." She said referring to the woman. We both chuckled when the cops walked in. "Jesus christ." She muttered. At this point the toddler was calmed down but her lip was still trembling.

"We are here because therw was a fight about a child." Shoupe stated. "Can the people who are involved please come to talk?" Shoupe said. The girl and the woman both walked up to him. "Is this the toddler in question?" Hr said pointing to the terrified toddler on the girls hip. "Yes sir" she replied calmly.

The difference between the girl and the woman was was that the girl knew she was right. She knew she would win so she wasn't worried. The woman was freaking out and looked very nervous.

They all went into a little room and after a while they came out. The woman mad and the girl relieved. "Ma'am I need to talk to you for a second." Shoule said to the girl.

She nodded and walked back in. Like 5 seconds later she came out with a sleeping toddler and walked up to me.

"Can you hold her for a second, she isn't allowed in there?" She said politely.

"Sure..." I replied. I was bad with kids so I was a little nervous. She then left to go back to the room.

Suddenly the baby woke up and looked around. When she saw a stranger was holding her instead of her mom her lips trembled and tears formed in her eyes.

"Hey no no it's okay, you're okay.." I tried to calm her down. Right in that moment the girl walked out. I handed back her child and she pit the kid on her hip.

"Thanks for watching her.." She said and I nodded shortly while muttering a 'it's all good' to her.

She then went back to the stroller and put the baby in. She continued shopping and then went to pay.

"JJ, come on!" Kie yelled and I saw they were leaving. "Go already I'll be there in a sec!"  I yelled back and she nodded.

I then looked and saw the girl was leaving.

"Hey!" I yelled at her. She turned around and smiled at me. "Hey blondie." She replied. "I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for what happened back there!" I said.  "Its okay! It happens more often!" She replied chuckling.

"Just...... if u ever need someone to hang with me and my friends are welcoming you with open arms." I said chuckling. She giggled before handing me her phone. "Just type in you number and I'll text you when I can." She said. I typed in my number and saved it as JJ <3.

"See you later!" I yelled and ran back to my friends.

I turned around and waved, she waved back and then turned around to put everything in her car.

I hopped in the Twinkie and everyone looked at me. "What'd you say to her?" Pope asked me. I told them I invited her to hang and everyone was excited. She looked really nice.

Aspen's POV

I arrived gone and put my stuff on the counter.  I then put Jade on the ground so she could play with her toys. Jade could walk a little bit but she kinda just waddled.

I put the groceries in the fridge and looked at the time. Because of everything that happened it was very late so I started making dinner.

I had made myself some potato and veggies. And I gave Jade some cut up potato that was cooked a bit longer so it was softer and some apple sauce. For dessert we shared some strawberries.

After dinner it was time for bed. "Jade, time for bed." I said to her. She looked at me and then waddled to her nursery.

I put in some lotion, brushed her teeth and then changed her diaper. After I put her in pajamas and put her in bed. "What story do we wanna read?" I asked her. "Pwincess" she answered.

I knew she meant 'The world of the princesses' so I got it and read her a bit of a story. After she fell asleep I kissed her head and went to the living room.

I checked my phone and decided to text JJ.

To JJ <3
Hey! I just wanted to check if it would be okay for me and Jade to visit tomorrow!

From JJ <3
Oh hey! Yeah that would be great. You would be able to meet my friends! What's your name btw? So I can put u in my contacts.

To JJ <3
My  name is Aspen! What's the address??

Jj <3 saved u as Aspen <3

From JJ <3
The address is *** ***** **. What'd time did you wanna come?

To JJ <3
Like 11 or smth

From JJ <3
Ight c ya

To JJ <3
Bye bye!

She locked her phone and got ready for bed.


so what'd you think??

*not edited*

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