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Aspen's POV
It was now the next morning and I woke up by the sound of crying. I wanted to get up but I couldn't due to the pair of arms wrapped around my waist. JJ's face was a little red due to the heat in my little shack. Jade kept crying and I tried to softly get out of JJ's grip. Jade cried louder and I cursed under my breath.

Suddenly JJ's eyes fluttered open, revealing his ocean eyes. He looked into my green eyes and he smiled at me. ''Lay down, I'll get her'' he whispered before standing up and going to Jade's room. A few minutes later Jade stopped crying and I sighed in relief. Before I knew it I fell back asleep.


I picked up Jade and went back into the living room. I sat Jade on her high chair. ''I'm gonna check up on mommy, okay'' I told her and she nodded. I walked into her room and she was sleeping peacefully on her bed. I smiled and quietly left the room. I walked back into the living room. ''So what do you usually eat for breakfast'' I asked Jade. ''Icecweam!'' she replied. ''Ya, I don't think so'' I chuckled. Jade pouted, and I walked towards her. ''Here comes the tickle monster!'' I told her and she giggled and tried to squirm out of her high chair. I started tickling her stomach and she squealed loudly.

''What's going on'' I heard from behind me. I turned around and was met by Aspen who was trying to hold in her laugh. ''Daddy is tickling me!'' Jade replied loudly. Aspen jus chickled and pulled some fruits out of the fridge. She got a light green cutting board and a little knife. ''Get your butt down on that chair'' she told me and she pointed to a chair. ''Yes mom'' I said and rolled my eyes. I heard a giggle besides me and I knew it was Jade.

A few minutes later Aspen sat down across from me with freshly cut strawberries and apple. She handed me the apple and gave Jade the strawberries and Jade dug in. The toddler tried putting the strawberries in her mouth but missed completely and smudged it all over her little cheeks. Aspen just sipped her coffee and looked at a news paper.

"Jade, honey eat slowly or you'll choke" Aspen said. Jade huffed but evidently started eating slower. "John B called" I started and she looked up from her news paper. "We're meeting at the Château later to hang out, wanna come" I continued. She nodded and hummed. "I'll drop Jade off at the Camerons" She said. "What?" I asked her confused. Why would she drop her daughter off at a house full of liars.

"Sarah offered to babysit her any time I needed someone" she told me. "Kie is gonna hate you" I chuckled. She chuckled and nodded "well I don't really have money for a babysitter right now so" she shrugged. "And Sarah is not a bad person" she told me. I just shrugged. I never really formally talked to Sarah, but from what I know she is a kook and Pogues stau away from Kooks.

"Whatever your think is the best for Jade" I told her and she smiled.

It was now an hour later and we were on out way tor he Cameron's. "Jade, can I talk to you" Aspen started and Jade looked at her with her big green eyes, that reminded me of her mom. "When we arrive at Sarah there are a few rules" she said and looked at Jade. "Be nice to Sawah" Jade stated and Aspen nodded. "And?" Aspen asked. "Stay away fwom Wafe" Jade finished. Aspen chuckled and nodded. (Wafe is Rafe but Jade can't pronounce it)

A few minutes later we arrived and Aspen unloaded Jade. "I'll be right back" she told me.

Aspen's POV

I knocked on the door with a few bags in my  arms and Jade was standing at my feet. Sarah opened the door and smiled. "Hey Aspen" she told me. "Hey Sarah" I told her and she allowed me to come in. In the kitchen I dropped the bags and Jade waddled behind me. I explained to Sarah what the bags were for and what was in them. She nodded and after a while I left. "Be good for mommy, okay" I told Jade. She nodded and her lip trembled a bit. "Don't cry, mommy will be back tonight" I told her. "Pwomise?" She asked me with her big green orbs looking right on my skull. "Promise" I told her. Only if she knew...

I kissed her cheek and left to go outside. I said goodbye to Sarah and joined JJ in the car. "Let's go" I told him and I smiled.

A few minutes later we arrived at the Château.

3rd person POV

Kie was laying on the couch working on some glasses to paint while Pope was sitting at the messy table trying to work on his scholarship. John B was just laying on the pull out staring at the ceiling when Aspen and JJ barged in.

They all looked up at them and Kie looked confused. "Hey Asp! Where is Jade" she asked Aspen. "I thought it was time for some alone time so I dropped her at her babysitter" Aspen told the curly haired girl. The others went back to what they were doing, but Kie looked confused. "I thought you couldn't afford a babaysitter" She said confused. "Yeah Sarah offered to do it for free" Aspen told her. At this point JJ sat down on the couch next to John B and Pope walked over to the two boys. "Sarah?" Kie asked the girl. "Yeah Kie, Sarah-" Aspen wanted to snap back but was cut off by Kie. "Dude! Wtf don't you know girl code!" Kie yelled. "Calm down-" Aspen started. "God you're unbelievable!" Kie yelled again. Aspen looked shocked at this outburst.

Her and Kie were really close and never really fought so this was new to the girls. "Why are you mad at what I do with MY daughter" Aspen said. Talking extra loud at the 'I' and 'my', while pointing at her chest, referring that its hers.

"Its not about you!" Kie yelled. "Then who is it about?" Aspen asked confused. "Sarah a-and Jade" Kie yelled again. At this point the boys were watching with open mouths. "What?" Aspen yelled scoffing. "Sarah is a bad influence!" Kie yelled. "That's bullshit!" Aspen yelled. The boys looked shocked since they never heard her swear before. "Sarah is a b!tich Aspen" Everyone looked shocked at Kie's choice of words. "Just because she is a kook doesn't mean she is rude" Aspen calmly said.

Her calmness seemed to anger Kie since Kie yelled with all the force in her body. "Fine! Drop her off at a bad place but don't come crying to me when she ends up as a s!ut and a irresponsible mother JUST LIKE YOU!" Kie yelled and immediately slammed a hand on front of her mouth. JJ stood up to say something but was cut off by Aspen muttering a 'whatever' and walking out of the Château with tears in her eyes.

Aspen's POV

I barged out of the Château. How could she say that. I knew I made bad choices but this was something only my worst enemy's ever said to me.

I cried and ran onto the streets. I heard footsteps behind me and was met with a hand twisting me around. I met the eyes of JJ. He tried to hug me but I pushed him back. "Stop" I almost whispered. "Are you ok?" He asked me. "She didn't mean it" he tried to tell me. ''Why are you defending her?!'' I screamed at him.

Behind JJ I saw the 3 other Pogues looking at me. ''Just calm down'' JJ told me and he tried to grab my arm. I pushed his hand away and walked backwards onto the streets. ''Calm down?! You can go talk to Kie and tell her that she can shove this friendship right up her a-'' I was cut off by a loud honk. I looked to the side and saw a car coming right at me. I closed my eyes and braced myself for impact.

They say that when you die your entire live flashes before your eyes. That you will regret all the mistakes you made and all the memories will flash by, one by one. But the only thing I saw was the face of Jade. Jade wouldn't have any family left. And worst of all, I made a promise.

And just like I expected, after a matter of seconds a force pushed my body, and I felt like my entire world was crashing down. I heard my friends scream my name but all I could think off was Jade. After that all I saw was black.

Just black..



*Not edited*

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