Chapter 13

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(Wall Sina)
It has been a week now since the scouts finished their graduation but it wasn't what they were expecting.

Roman:"This sucks"

They have already chosen their regiments. But they weren't slaying titans like Roman wanted instead they were cleaning out the cannons.

Connie:"Tell me about it"

After the speech Roman had given some people were inspired and they joined the scouts. Those people were Sasha and Connie.

Mina:"Well if we finish early they said we could get to see some of the scouts in action!"

Mina,Eren, Thomas, Sasha and Samuel. Sasha was nowhere to be seen. Roman started looking around for her.

Roman:"Where's potato girl?"


Sasha walks towards us with a huge blush on her face. When the others looked closely they could see some meat.

Sasha:"I borrowed some meat from the officer's morning rations"

Everyone looks at her in shock.


Thomas:"You wanna get solitary confinement?"

Samuel:"Your a real idiot"

Thomas:"Real idiocy is scary"

Sasha:"Let's all split up together later. We'll slice it up and eat it with bread!"

She says fantasizing about how good it will taste.

Roman:"I have never seen anyone who loves food as much as you potato girl"

Mina:"Sasha please take it back. Meat is a luxury now that we've lost so much land"

Sasha:"Don't worry about it"

She walks over to a crate.

Sasha:"Once we reclaim the land. We can start breeding pigs and cows again"

Samuel:"I'll take that meat!"

Connie:"Me too, so save my part!"

Mina:"Guys aren't you worried you'll get caught?"

She says to the three.

Roman:"We'll only get caught if we eat it slowly"

Mina:"Well then we better eat quick!"

Samuel:"What do you say Eren?"

Thomas:"But we still have a few minutes before lunch"

Roman chuckles and he turns around and takes a few steps. He stops and looks at the ground wall Sina in all it's glory. He wasn't gonna lie it looks pretty amazing from up here.

Eren:""It's pretty beautiful"


Eren:"Can you believe it? Five years have passed since the fall of our home."

Roman:"Yeah. Mankind is finally regaining it's dignity so trust me Eren we can win Mankind's counterattack begins now"

He says looking at the city before a lighting bolt strikes behind them. Roman turns around.

 Roman turns around

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