Chapter 39

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Roman was sitting down alone next to Buck who was eating an apple. The scouts had told Erwin the plan was a success now everyone is trying to decide on who should have the Colossal Titan.

Mikasa:"What are you doing here all alone?"

Mikasa says standing behind him but it wasn't her alone. Sasha, Annie, Armin, Jean and some other friends were with her.

Roman:"Just thinking of stuff"

Roman turns to them.

Roman:"What about you guys?"

Roman says with a smile.

Jean:"Cut the crap Roman. We know something's up with you?"

Roman:"Nothing's up with me. I was just"

Roman is cut off by Annie speaking.

Annie:"Ever since you stopped Rod Reiss you have been acting weird Roman and everyone had seen it. You're lucky we don't beat you up for the little stunt you pulled"

Roman:"Why would you want to hurt my beautiful face, Annie?"

Armin:"R-roman. Stop trying to dodge the question and answer us. What's wrong? We're your friends and we want to help you"

Roman stays silent as he stares off into the distance. Then after a few seconds he starts to chuckle confusing everyone around him.

Roman:"I don't know how messed up my mental state would be if I had to deal with everything alone. Thank you. All of you for staying by my side to this point"

Roman says turning to the group once again. Everyone was silent and they were staring at him waiting for him to continue.

Roman:"I've lost alot of people throughout my life and most of those people are gone because of me being over confident or by being too late. I saw all those people die infront of me. I watched as they died infront of me the life fading from their eyes while I just watched them. At first it was hard but as time went on and I got stronger the harder it became to deal with. Everyone knows me as the Warhammer titan. The titan that will save everyone and exterminate all the titans. Kids look up to me. Everyone want no need me to be their savior"

While Roman was ranting his friends started to understand what was going on.

Roman:"But try as I may to save everyone. It's all in vein. Alot of people around me die because they believed that i would save them. They believed I would be there to save them while in the line of work but i mess it up horribly and their families start to grieve their loss while I just sit around as more and more and more people start to die around me. I thought the people in my squad will live to see me reach adulthood but almost all of them died that day. Some of the people that were close to me died. That day I knew that I couldn't save everyone. I couldn't save the people I loved. What I'm trying to say is"

Roman looks away from his friends. He felt his cheeks getting wet as his tears started to drop.

Roman:"I'm scared. I'm scared of losing everyone around me as I live the rest of my life with my loved ones dying or leaving me. I don't want to lose any of you guys. I..... I don't want to be alone"

Roman says standing up.

Roman:"I know I sound childish complaining like this but I-"

Roman is silenced when Mikasa hugs him. Then Armin, Sasha, Annie and everyone else joins in. Roman looks at them all confused.

Armin:"Roman. You aren't a god. You won't be able to know about what will happen to everyone around you"

Annie:"Yeah. People die but it isn't your fault none of the deaths were your fault"

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