Chapter 29

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(In the woods)
Hange:"Alright Roman are you ready?"

Hange asks with excitement.

Roman:"Not really"

Hange:"Well that doesn't matter. Now transform!"

Roman:"You hot it ma'am"

Roman extends his arm revealing a ring.

Hange:"Where'd you get the ring?"

Roman:"I asked Annie to give me one"

A small blade appears and Roman slits his finger on it but nothing happens.

Roman:"Why did you even want me to do this? All I did was hurt myself"

He says as his finger starts healing.

Hange:"I'm trying to learn how you were able to control those titans. And I also wanted to see if you could turn other people into titans"

Roman:"Wait you wanted me to turn you into a titan"

Hange:"Well yeah. I get to experience what they experience every single day"

She says and she immediately starts fantasizing about something. Roman snaps his fingers to bring her back.

Roman:"Oi. I don't wanna go back in there Levi was already mad enough that I didn't want to clean"

Hange:"Oh yeah what made him agree to you coming here anyways?"

Roman:"Oh that's obvious it was his sweet little girlfriend who convinced him to. That Petra girl is truly nice"

Hange:"Alright back to the experiments. We should head into the forest and try finding some titans"


Hange and Roman walk into the forest. They see 2 five meter titans walking around.

Hange:"Alright now get to work"


Roman starts walking closer to them.

Roman:'So how do I control them?'

Roman asks his good ol friend.

Diablo:"Just tell them what to do"

Roman approaches the two titans and he speaks.

Roman:"Hey idiots!"

They turn to him and they start to approach him.


They continue. Roman then starts backing away.

Roman:"Well that failed!"

One of the titans try to grab him but he moves out of the way.

Roman:"Stop attacking me you morons!"

He says and they immediately stop.

Roman:"Um...... Sit?"

Both titans sit down.

Roman:"Wow! Hange do you see this-"

He turns to Hange who had a massive blush on her face.

Roman:"I guess you do"

Hange:"Quickly bring them back with us!"

Roman:"Follow me"

The two titans start following Roman and they arrive back at the house.

Hange:"What should I name you two?"

Roman:"And now you are giving them names"

Roman sighs.

Roman:"You two stay and don't eat anyone"

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