Chapter 38

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(Was dealing with writer's block. Sorry for the long wait but anyways hope you guys enjoy and today is the day we finally decide where this story will go. So please choose cause your answer will decide the end of the story.

Historia(Got the most votes)

Historia(Got the most votes)

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I got sick of being stuck on where to go since everyone starts to choose a new love interest after a short period of time

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I got sick of being stuck on where to go since everyone starts to choose a new love interest after a short period of time. So yeah help a brother out.

And something important starting from the next chapter Roman is going to get alot stronger and many secrets will be revealed. Not going to spoil anything for you guys though)

Roman was talking to Levi.

Roman:"Come on. Just a few tricks won't kill you"

Levi sighs.

Levi:"No. I refuse to teach you anything about odm"

Roman huffs crossing his arms.

Roman:"So you teach me about life and consequences. but you don't want to teach me how to turn into a tornado?"

Levi;"That is exactly what I am saying"

Levi walks away.

Roman:"You know I won't stop until you teach me how to do it!"

Roman shouts receiving no response from Levi.


Eren shouts approaching Roman.


Eren:"Roman look I need to-"

Before he could finish his sentence the scene changes to Roman now out of his titan form watching Bertholdt stepping or kicking away anything in his vicinity. Roman just narrows his eyes while watching the scene. He felt angry and disappointed. Angry at Bertholdt and his allies and disappointed in himself for the way he was.

Paradise Titan(Male Oc x Aot)Where stories live. Discover now