Sundress - UrSk

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For once the lewd idea wasn't mine!! Blaming my baby brother for this lewd. But I love ursk so it's okay

I'm very behind on editing because work makes me zzz everyday when I get home

littleprincess0310 an: its ursk so im not gonna sidetrack with smsn in this m(-,-)m

Could have had smsn lewd too sadness

Word Count: 4,257 words


It was scorching hot in Japan and Urata could feel the heat slowly start to burn his skin. Flapping his hand back and forth so he can at least feel the wind from it, Urata sits in front of the fans. "Hot...." The brunet muttered.

"Ura-sannn!" Sakata calls out, a pair of popsicles in his hands, his green sundress flowing as the wind from the fan brushes against it. "I brought you a snack."

"Oh Sakata." The brunet looked up from the fans. Taking the ice, he softly muttered thank you.

"It's really warm today too..." Sighing softly, Sakata purposefully stands in front of the fan while eating his ice cream. "I wish we had more of these...we should buy more fans later, Ura-san!"

"Sure." Urata hummed, enjoying the coldness of the ice cream.

"Can I sit here with Ura-san?" Innocently asking, Sakata holds his popsicle in his mouth, not using his hands to keep it steady.

Opening one of his eyes, Urata nodded. "Sure."

Instead of sitting beside Urata, Sakata sits right in his lap innocently.

"Oi... it's hot." Urata immediately complained.

Lifting his skirt a little, Sakata let the fabric move with the fan, fanning Urata a little. "Better?" Though he wasn't helping as he tried to reposition himself to straddle Urata. "I want some of Ura-san's popsicle."

Rolling his eyes, Urata tries to move the redhead away. "Eat your own popsicle."

"I want yours!" Pouting a little, Sakata leans in and steals a bite for himself.

Just letting Sakata do as he wants, Urata's phone rings. Turning his face toward it, Urata wigged himself a little to reach it. "Oh... from Maashii." Picking up the call, the brunet raised his eyebrows. "Hello? What Maashii?"

While Sakata was distracted by the phone call, Sakata was already unzipping Urata's pants, hoping he was distracted by this.

"Urata-san? I was wondering if you and Sakatan wanted to bring your fans to our house to cool off." More fans meant more cool air! And it was too warm! "Senra-kun is a little bored too."

"Wait Maashii." Deafen himself, Urata looked at Sakata with raised eyebrows. "What are you doing?"

"I've decided...I want this popsicle instead~" Giggling innocently, Sakata pokes Urata's son. "Can't I?"

"No." An immediate refusal from the brunet.

"Ehh? But I want this one." Even though Urata said no, Sakata still works his pants off slowly. "I'll do the isn't it okay?"

"Maashii and Sen-chan invite us to play. So we're going." Stopping Sakata's mouth with his palm, Urata moved the redhead gently from his thigh.

"Eh...? But they can wait!" Sakata whines, pouting like a hurt puppy.

"No. We going now." Adjusting his pants, Urata slick his bangs to the back. It's so hot! And Sakata didn't make it any better!

"But..." Sakata pouts more and sadly nods his head. But he wanted to have fun with Urata first.

Undeafen back, the brunet replied. "We are going now."

"I'll see you both soon. And remember the fan!" Shima demands before hanging up the call.

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