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Couldn't one away mission go successfully without a screw up or injury? Despite Spocks persistence that it is mathematically illogical that they all go wrong, it's become common knowledge around the enterprise that these things will send you to the sickbay.

So you can feel the happiness that this is how you and your boyfriend Chekov were gonna spend your second anniversary, following 'captain perfect-hair' as your boss liked to call him and your boyfriend around a supposedly safe planet.

"Ready you two?" asked the captain as the tree of you prepared for beaming. The two of you nodded. "Aye captain three too beam down." Scotty said as the three of you beamed down.

As the three of you materialised on the planet surface, bullets whizzed past you, one skimming the side of your ear. "Take cover." you hear Kirk shout as you all take cover behind a large rock a few metres away.

"You okay y/l/n? You too Chekov?" "I am fine Keptain. Y/n?" Par like replied looking at your worridly, you face etched with thought and shock as you process what just happened. "Captain, the enemy - whatever they are - are using bullets which are ancient warfare and more possibly more dangerous than phasers. I think they're not from the federation but where?" you say realising that the two boys where looking at you.

"I agree y/n. Stick together, we need to find a safe location where we can check the coms, I can't get through to scotty and it's not safe if we stay here any longer. You and Pavel both now frantically, before giving each other a longing look.

A bullet hitting the rock next to you is all the help you need to run, it all append like it's in slow motion, a hail of gun fire and the three of you sprinting followed by a spray of blood and a blood curdling scream. It's your scream, but it's not your blood. Pavel is lying on the floor, his yellow shirt staining red across the abdomen. "Y/n go I've got him." Kirk says picking your boyfriend up and running behind you.

You run for a few more minutes into a cave, which is dimly lit except for the entrance. Kirk lies Chekov down on the floor, and he gets to work on the comm unit. "Pasha, Pasha look at me, your gonna be okay." you say over and over again, putting pressure on his wound. "I love you. Y/n I love you zo much." his accent sounds thicker than usual as he says between heavy breaths. "I love you too Pasha." you say kissing his forehead.

"Nyet I mean vill you marry me? I was gonna ask you later but..." he says, his eyes scanning the cave looking for you. You sit by his side, telling him to hold on but his eyes slip shut. As you release a sob, you materialise on the transportation deck in the enterprise.

As soon as McCoy sees chekov, he whisks him away to medbay, with Kirk going up to the bridge. "Lass, take a shower and get changed. You cannae go down to the medbay looking like that." Scotty says giving you a hug before you leave.

The atmosphere in the medbay is eerie quiet. Something you've never liked. It makes you feel like Pavels gone, which according to McCoy's message he sent out is false. You feel weird in clean clothes and fresh, but you walk over to the bed. "Hey Pasha." you say quietly. "Hello y/n" Pavel says back. "Pasha earlier I didn't answer your question. Yes. Yes Pavel Andrievich Chekov I will marry you." you say smiling. "Yo moyo!" he shouts just before you both kiss.

A/n just a quick one but this was requested by whovian3135 whose stories I adore so go check them out. And thanks again for all he reads. It means a lot. XD

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